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Friday Sites - OFF-TOPIC

CAVEAT: The following posting is totally off-topic.

There is no intention to even be a little bit on topic, well maybe
tangentially, but mainly to provide you with a break from developing RFPs,
researching inergen/fire suppression system, preparing replevin cases, drying
wet paper and making 8 gazillion-million photocopies for some patron. and to
provide a little bit of fun present you with something you might not even be
aware of thus broadening your knowledge and providing you with information
useful in making small talk at a party.  SO IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED do not
proceed any further, USE THE DELETE KEY.

For those who didn't hit the delete key and have decided to proceed forthwith
thank you for your interest. If you enjoyed any of these sites please let me
know privately.

Rather than call it Friday Funnies I think Friday Sites is better at least to
distinguish it from the hush puppy-like silliness. (Those on recmgmt-l who
are not subscribed to the archivist list truly missed one of the most
off-topic threads in a long time)

Any way this following site is from the museum world and has some interesting
articles on how they put together the exhibit

Peter Palmquist is one of this century's top photography historians.
Archivist who are in charge of photographs will find this particular site
particularly interesting. The rest of you will just become better informed.

Speaking of famous photographers Check out this site about Brady.

and if those two sites heightened your interest in photography  this site
will help you to design your own darkroom

I don't know about most of you, but today's visit to the movie
theater/cineplex doesn't carry the same mystique as did the old movie
palaces. Fortunately in some cities they have been saved. In Richmond the
Byrd Theater still shows movies and has a working organ. The Carpenter
Theater in the same city is used for live productions. Any way the following
site will present more than you ever wanted to know about the American movie

Since hush puppies were mentioned earlier the following two sites will
hopefully assuage your hunger

Every good cook needs a handy supply of tomatoes. The following site is
looking for volunteers

During the winter and early spring we all start to think about that summer
"I might take a train, I might a plane...." but have any of you ever thought
about a ship no not a Carnival or Princess cruise, but rather travel on a
freighter? If not take a look at the following site

And if seasickness or airsickness forces you to take the train or plane to
places besides Kansas City. Check out a historic hotel

And if you are in the Washington DC area check out the Cherry Blossom Festival

Can't really remember whether or not I posted this site last week, if I did
it here it is again. Only one word will do as introduction : PEZ!

And finally (thank goodness you say) for those who are members of the
Commonwealth . Yes folks that real sportsman, the hero to all football
followers, the best player in the world ---- ROY of the Rovers.

Peter Kurilecz

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