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Hope this helps...

Dennis Moser, MILS, Web Librarian
John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center
Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library
1133 M. D. Anderson Blvd, Houston, TX 77030-2809

-----Original Message-----
From: Heather Tennies <htennies@MARAUDER.MILLERSV.EDU>
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:31 AM
Subject: confidentialty and collections

>We have received donations recently of doctors' records. Some include
>patient names, etc. These records are of visits to the doctor, reason,
>diagnosis, and treatment. The records would be of interest to genealogists
>as well as scholars studying a particular disease or methods of treatment,
>How long should these records remain confidential? The census guideline of
>75 years does not seem sufficient in all cases, since the patient or
>children would not want those records made public. We will not make
>records from 1925 to the present accessible, but we have questions about
>I would appreciate any advice on this issue. Thank you.
>Heather S. Tennies
>Lancaster County Historical Society
>230 N President
>Lancaster, PA 17603
>(717) 392-4633
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