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RAIN 4/18: Slim pickins

And no I'm not talking about the marvelous actor and raconteur, but rather
the fact that after several hours surfin' last nite I could only come up
with two articles :-(

Those with "live" in Southern Cal might be interested in this exhibit.

Los Angeles Times 4/17/00
Snapshots from 1928 take personal look at night of terror

by Rosemary Clandos
Special to The Times
SANTA PAULA, Calif.--They are raw snapshots, some fuzzy and out of focus,
all of them amateurish and rough. Even so, the images are arresting--a house
shoved into the middle of the street, flattened orchards, a row of cars that
belonged to Edison camp workers who lay dead in the rubble.

Toledo Blade 4/17/00
Editorial: Closing public records

The Ohio Supreme Court's latest open-records dictum has the potential to
seriously undermine the openness promoted in Ohio law for decades.
No one can take issue with the aim of the court's decision: protection of
the privacy of Columbus children who swim in its public pools, whose names
were sought for the ostensible purpose of recruiting for a youth program.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Woodside Summit Group, Inc
Richmond, Virginia
Tel: 804-744-1247 extension 23
Fax: 804-744-4947

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