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Re: Website Reliability

Title: RE: Website Reliability
Re:  Thomas Heard response below on privacy. 
While I totally concur that the school has the responsibility to insure resources are available and used to the best advantage of the students (users).  I however, seriously doubt any the school legal department would concur with a libarian monitoring specific students with names provided by a teacher.  Someone had to provide the names so the libarian could collect the data.  That's specific.   At the last college I worked for the IT staff monitored usage and discussed with abusers.  
I don't believe the libarian mentioned was monitoring, but was a fill-in for the article being written.
Dob Dalton, CRM
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Website Reliability

I think it is great to see a librarian asking good questions about the reliability of web-based information, and getting positive press coverage for it. 

Is it an invasion of privacy to take random samples (as the article stated) of sites visited by students and study them?  It seems to me the school has a responsibility to make sure that the resources are being used to best advantage by the students(users).  Don't most repositories track usage in one form or another?  These were not someone's personal computers after all.