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Not the Parthenon Cobber; Stolen Millions in Baseball Treasures; Ancient Kabul Stone; Brits descended from Pharoahs?; Chabot Opens

Welcome to this week's edition of your FREE Webzine, Global Museum. The award-winning compendium site, read in over 75 countries each week http://www.globalmuseum.org    FREE online subscription
THIS WEEK'S FREE  DOWNLOAD: Visual Planets has been created as an educational tour of the Sun and nine planets. The program includes information on the Sun, Planets, Satellites and the Spacecraft that have visited them.
In the GLOBAL MUSEUM headlines this week:
**  Africafest - Eiteljorg Gallery of African Art Reopens  
The IMA's Eiteljorg Gallery of African Art features one of the nation's most comprehensive and innovative displays of African art. It features more than 420 art works from throughout the continent

**  This is not the Parthenon, cobber                                       
Embarrassed Games organisers were having to explain last night why the Colosseum in Rome - instead of the Parthenon in Athens - was depicted on the medals

**  Cultured City of Shenzhen
 The art museums and galleries, with their modern facilities and top class exhibits, have elevated the cultural image of Shenzhen by building up an eye-catching "cultural landscape" .

**  Thieves steal millions in baseball treasures
For years the Hall of Fame was an easy mark for thieves, who stole everything from DiMaggio caps to historic documents.

**  Weegee - an audio history
Weegee, the famous New York crime photographer is remembered through his own words in a rare interview conducted decades ago .Click here for the audio interview

**  Ancient historical stone goes on display in Kabul
The national museum of Afghanistan has reopened for the first time in a decade and features a major new exhibit feared lost in the civil war

**  Treasures on file in Asian collections
Cabinets high on the Reading Room walls are filled with colorful copies of 4,500 books compiled in the 18th century and donated to the library in 1907 by the emperor of China in an exchange program with the United States

**  New Chabot Space & Science Centre Opens
a $76 million complex that features a 243-seat planetarium, a 210-seat "MegaDome" (read: IMAX) theater, and various exhibit halls, classrooms, and labs

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**  Museum puts township of Lwandle on the tourist map
A small township is fast being put on the Cape tourist map by a South African museum that traces the history of migrant labourers

**  Pipeline to the Past
A swimming pool drain pipe clogged with a lacrosse ball has led researchers at Santa Clara University to a 200-year-old Native American dump site brimming with animal bones, pottery and shell jewellry

** Bamboo strips decoded
The meaning of carvings on 1,200 bamboo strips believed to be over 2,000 years old has been recently decoded by experts after three years of research with the help of high technology

**  Achieving Excellence:  Museum Leadership In the 21st century
September 6-9, 2000  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  A collaborative conference presented by Intercom, ICOM and CMA 
**  If the ancient Egyptians were here, are we descended from the pharaohs?
Research reveals that Tutankhamun's sister may have started a civilisation in Britain

**  State to glorify maritime past
The pool will have miniature replicas of galleons, junks and other ships which sailed the Straits of Malacca during the Malay Sultanate era

**  Service marks life of museum founder                                                                   
The collection of specimens which von Haast assembled at the government building formed the first Canterbury Museum in 1867. The discovery of moa bones built international interest in the collection

**  Highlights from the Rare Book Collection
Natural science volumes by well-known authors, artists and nature professionals will be spotlighted in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History's rare-book exhibit on currently on view

**  Small museums pack many big surprises
They dot the city and surrounding countryside with a surprising regularity. Small museums, galleries and attractions, trying to survive in the shadows cast by Ottawa's better-known museums 

MEET ME IN ST LOUIS  Global Museum's extensive site dedicated to the 2001 Conference: Local History, Travel Reports, Accomodation Options, Airfares, Climate, Newspapers, Radio & Television, Car Rental, Online Maps and 'Archcam' 
** Oxnard Museum Readies First Exhibit of New Artworks                                                                                  The prime motivation behind the gift to the Carnegie, and the nearly 1,000 pieces to 28 other mainly regional museums in the United States and England, was to strengthen the collections of smaller institutions outside major cities

**  Forget Dolly — Tasmanian Tiger Is Next
The last known Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, died in captivity in 1936, but a team of Australian biologists believes the animal's extinction may simply be a 70-year hiccup

**  This Week's Oral History  - Working Women                                                              
Working class women in the 1920s and 30s had few opportunities. High expectations and ambitions were soon quashed; low pay and long hours were all that was on offer

**  Museum Computer Network Conference                                                                         
Don't miss the Museum Computer Network conference at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, September 6-9.
**  Consulting with Native American Groups
The University of Nevada, Reno is presenting a two and a half day course, "Consulting with Native American Groups," September 12-14, 2000 in Seattle, Washington.
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