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  In order to better respond to these requests and to
  guarantee that we meet all of the legal requirements
  for a timely and complete response, I am designating
  Ruth Kowal, in her role as Director of Operations, as
  the person to handle all Freedom of Information Act
  requests for the Boston Public Library.

  Should you receive a request under the Freedom of
  Information Act, by letter, phone, e-mail, or in
  person, please forward them to her
  immediately. Ms. Kowal can be reached at extension
  2351. [ tel. 617-859-2351 ]

Under statute, Freedom of Information Act requests
  cover virtually all of the internal and external
  communications and documents of the Library.

  Staff Internet (e-mail) communications,
  meeting notes,
  manuals, and
  similar documents
  are among those things included in Freedom of
  Information Act access.

Should you have any questions about the Act, or
  inquiries which you might receive, please do not
  hesitate to contact Ms. Kowal.

  Thank you in advance for directing all Freedom of
  Information Act requests to her.

  All press requests should continue to be directed to
  P. A. d'Arbeloff, Communications and Community
  Affairs Officer, extension 2219. [tel. 617-859-2219 ]
  [ email: padarbeloff@bpl.org ]

Bernard A. Margolis, President

October 3, 2000

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<DIV><FONT size=3D2>
<P align=3Dright></P><B>
<P align=3Dcenter>GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE, 2000 &#8211; No.
<P align=3Dcenter></P>
<P align=3Dcenter></P>
<P align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</P><U>
<P align=3Dcenter>Freedom of Information Act Designee</P></U>
<P>To Members of the Staff:</P></B>
<P>From time to time, the Library receives requests from individuals and

organizations under the Freedom of Information Act for material on
services, activities, programs and personnel. In order to better respond
these requests and to guarantee that we meet all of the legal
requirements for a
timely and complete response, I am designating Ruth Kowal, in her role
Director of Operations, as the person to handle all Freedom of
Information Act
requests for the Boston Public Library. Should you receive a request
under the
Freedom of Information Act, by letter, phone, e-mail, or in person,
forward them to her immediately. Ms. Kowal can be reached at extension
<P>Under statute, Freedom of Information Act requests cover virtually
all of the
internal and external communications and documents of the Library. Staff

Internet (e-mail) communications, memoranda, meeting notes, budgets,
and similar documents are among those things included in Freedom of
Act access. </P>
<P>Should you have any questions about the Act, or inquiries which you
receive, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Kowal. Thank you in
advance for
directing all Freedom of Information Act requests to her. All press
should continue to be directed to P. A. d&#8217;Arbeloff, Communications
and Community
Affairs Officer, extension 2219.</P>
<P align=3Dright></P>
<P align=3Dright>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=3Dright>Bernard A. Margolis, President</P>
<P align=3Djustify></P>
<P>October 3, 2000</P></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>

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