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[no subject]

Since the case in point was in Maine, I cannot say what the situation =
would be for a black person.  While there is probably some racial =
profiling in some parts of Texas, I doubt very seriously that any person =
in Texas of any race, color, creed, or whatever else you might want to =
come up with would go to jail for a first DWI offence that was purely DWI =
with no accident or anything else involved.

Although I've been driving for over 45 years and have ridden in cars =
longer than that and have heard or read about many accidents caused by =
drunken drivers, I can state positively that I have never been in one of =
those accidents and I do not personally know anyone who has been involved =
in or injured or killed in such an accident.


Charles R. Schultz, CA
Professor and Clements Archivist
Cushing Library
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX  77843-5000
FAX 979-845-1441

State-of-the-art automation will never beat the wastebasket=20
when it comes to speeding up efficiency in the office.
Ann Landers Gem of the Day, July 27, 1994

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