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Jeff O'Brien
City of Saskatoon Archives

----Original Message Follows----
From: Alex Rankin <rankin@BU.EDU>
Reply-To: Alex Rankin <rankin@BU.EDU>
Subject: Re: internet use of photos
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:49:52 -0500

Point 1:    Is the Teacher making a profit off the books?
Point 2:    Some intitutions charge use fees for photographs as well as
publishing fees (this is essentially what she is doing).  Other
charge different prices for non-profit organizations.
Point 3:    Make sure the images cannot be downloaded or else there will be
potentially  millions of copies of the photographs andthe value of your
colection will become deminished.

Just a brainstorm.
Alex Rankin
Special Collections
Boston University

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