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Survey: for archivists not working in "film archives"

Title: Clear Day


I am submitting to you the following survey.  It may become part of a research project, depending upon the response (and number of responses) I receive. 

Please respond to me privately (hitting the reply all button and then deleting the listserv's address should work, even after we return to the regular reply feature tomorrow).  Thank you for your time!



Michelle Mumaw Gage
Minnetrista Cultural Center
& Oakhurst Gardens
765.282.4848 ext. 168

A Survey for Archivists not working for designated “Film Archives” regarding the presence of film in their archival collections.


  1. Name


  1. Institution’s Name and Location


  1. What types of films are in your collection (i.e. home movies)?


  1. What have you done with your films?


-         Stored them properly

-         Screened them

-         Copied them onto video tapes (for reference, etc.)

-         Had Preservation work done on them/ Done preservation work on them

-         Nothing


  1. What do you feel you should do with the films in your collection?


  1. What has kept you doing as much with the films as you feel you should?


-         Lack of funding

-         Lack of staffing

-         Lack of know-how

-         Lack of interest/support from the institution

-         Nothing, I have done all I feel I need to do.

-         Other: Please specify


  1. Do you feel that there needs to be more researched and studied with regards to types of films other than motion pictures or newsreels (such as home movies)?


  1. Do you feel that the existing archival literature provides adequate coverage to the subject of film preservation?


  1. Would you like to see more written about preserving films other than those from motion pictures or newsreels (i.e. home movies)?


  1. Would you be willing to participate/assist in such an undertaking?

Attachment: Survey for Archivists on Film.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: Clear Day Bkgrd.JPG
Description: JPEG image