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Ariadne 26 now available

Ariadne 26 is now available at:
This issue features several articles focussing on the UK Electronic Libraries Programme and a retrospective overview by the former Director of the Programme, Chris Rusbridge. Ariadne 26 also features an introductory article on the Distributed National Electronic Resource by Stephen Pinfield and Lorcan Dempsey. Plus two articles on the role of e-commerce in Higher Education. Ariadne also features a review of the Preservation 2000 conference in York.

     *After eLib: Chris Rusbridge, the former Director of the UK Electronic Libraries Programme, with an assessment of its achievements and legacy.
 *Travelling at the Speed of Discovery: The MALIBU project's Most Valuable Lessons. Valeda Dent with a newcomer's perspective on the MALIBU project.
 *Building on BUILDER: Ian Upton explores the achievements of this Windows NT server based project.
*AGORA: the Hybrid Library from a users perspective: Bridget Robinson and David Palmer look at the Agora user studies.
 *'The Future is Hybrid': Kate Robinson reports on 'The Future is Hybrid' project day at the British Library in London on the 1st of November 2000 (in the At the Event section). 
*The Distributed National Electronic Resource and the Hybrid Library: Stephen Pinfield and Lorcan Dempsey with an overview of the DNER.
*Clumps come up Trumps: Helena Gillis, Verity Brack, John Gilby and Marian Hogg review the four eLib CLUMP projects now at the end of their funding periods.
 *e-Commerce in Higher Education: can we afford to do nothing?: Andrew Aird on the impact of e-commerce on the non-commercial sector.
 *It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) or How I learned to stop worrying and love the e-book: Sarah Ormes explores the e-book from a Public Libraries perspective.
 *Continuity and Collaboration: The Online Bach Bibliography: Yo Tomita introduces the single most important online resource for the study of the composer J.S. Bach.
*Understanding the searching process for visually impaired users of the Web (NoVA): Jenny Craven gives an overview of the Resource funded NoVA project (Non-visual access to the digital library).
*Exam Papers Online: Sally Rumsey on an innovative system for providing electronic access to examination papers.
  Regular columns include:                                                                                       
*Planet SOSIG: Keeping Social Scientists Connected: Debra Hiom and Emma Place.
*EEVL: new profile, new office: and coming soon - a new service: Roddy Macleod manager of the EEVL project.
*BIOME News: Paula Manning with a brief report on the official launch of BIOME at the Royal Society on the 2nd of November 2000.
*Metadata: Preservation 2000: Michael Day with an illustrated report on the Digital Preservation conference held in York in December 2000.
 *Public Libraries: Managing the Virtual Branch: Sarah Ormes reports on the recent Public Libraries Web Managers Workshop held in the University of Bath.
Plus 3 articles in the Get Tooled Up section:
*Web Focus: Brian Kelly looks at the 'Web Beyond the PC'.
*Web Watch: Brian Kelly is 'WebWatching the eLib Project Sites'.
*NT Explorer: Brett Burridge Looks at Microsoft's Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition.
Not forgetting the Ariadne cartoon and the very popular Ariadne Caption Competition. 

Ariadne issues 27 and 28 now preparation. Suggestions for content should be sent to the Ariadne Editorial Office at: ariadne@ukoln.ac.uk  
Copy deadline for issue 27 is March 5, 2001. Copy Deadline for issue 28 is June 4, 2001.                                                                                       

     Ariadne is published every three months by UKOLN. UKOLN is funded by Resource: the Council for Museums, Archives & Libraries (the organisation succeeding the Library and
     Information Commission), the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union.
       UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.
Philip Hunter,
Information Officer at UKOLN & Editor of Ariadne,
UKOLN, c/o Library, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 826 354           Fax: +44 (0) 1225 826838
email: p.j.hunter@ukoln.ac.uk       Url: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/