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Re: Reminder--Beware of Attachments

Robert Schmidt said:
As many of you may now be aware, the message with
VISIT => ( http://WWW.2600.COM <http://www.2600.com/> )<=--contains an
attachment which, if opened, may infect your
computer with a "Love Letter" type worm. This has
almost certainly occured without the sender's
knowlege, and I have written to warn her. In any
case, it is generally a good idea never to open an
attachment unless you are absolutely sure of its

Oddly enough this very virus, or worm, or whatever came through my agency a
few weeks ago. Somehow it got into our internal address book. It seems to be
self replicating. I opened it because it was sent from a co worker. As soon
as it opened it attached itself to my internal address book and sent itself
to the rest of the agency (about 350 individuals). This went on all day.
Despite the notices sent out by my MIS department people kept opening it
thinking it safe because it came from "so and so down the hall" or " my good
buddy in that other borough office".

We had to shut down the system to wipe it out. The end result was more of a
pain in the **** than damaging.