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Re: Important Message-Upcoming Change in Reply Setting

Title: RE: Important Message-Upcoming Change in Reply Setting

Did the list really change that much during the trial period - did the number of messages/day drop a whole lot? If so I didn't notice it, but it was nice to not get all the out-of-office replies etc...

The way I see it is that with the old system or the new, the list relies on members to post the results of questions back to the list.  For example - I have responded to dozens of list posts privately, and If Christine was looking to glean information from my replies - she couldn't, since she never even saw them, so this lack of  seeing all the responses already happens  We have no idea of the number of replies of the replies to a list post are replied to the list vs.how many are replied privately to the poster of the question. 

I plan to follow the same rules no matter what the automatic settings -

1. If I have something to say that I think is of interest to the whole list I'll post it to the list, if I have a reply that I think is of interest only to the individual posting a question - I'll reply to that individual. 

2. I can choose to reply to the list or the person - whichever I want

3. I will summarize for the list if its appropriate

4. I will make the effort to contact people directly who may have information that I can use.

5. I will post things to the list that I think everyone may want to see, but won't post to the list just because someone may want to see.

Christine, are you suggesting that people with something general to say won't bother to change the recipient when they have something of value for the whole list?

Tom Heard
AIG Archives-Executive Records
American International Group, Inc.
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70 Pine Street
New York, NY 10270

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