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RAIN 01/21 Weekend Update Part 3: Tracking e-mail

Security Management 01/01
Tips for tracking e-mail trail

by Tim Poole and James hansen
There was something suspicious about the employee's actions. E-mail logs and
network node analysis showed that every day at 5 p.m., he sent a photo to a
Hotmail account. The photos, of the family dog, his car, his wife and
children, looked innocent enough. But something was odd. For one thing, there
was never any traffic back from the account.
The company's information security personnel watched this for several weeks
and wondered what he was doing, until it occurred to them that these
seemingly innocent photos could be a means of corporate espionage. Through
the use of a technique called steganography, in which the digital ones and
zeros of digital text or images can be buried inside the digital ones and
zeros that make up the pixels of photographs, the employee could be secretly
sending information.

Wilmington News Journal 01/21/01
New vote on release of criminal records

by Mary Allen
A Delaware justice system board this week will reconsider releasing a
decade's worth of computerized criminal records.
A previous vote to give the information to The News Journal was taken during
a conference call and must be taken again at a public meeting, state
officials said.
Since that vote, some Delaware officials have questioned whether releasing
the records might risk millions of dollars in federal grants by infringing on
privacy rights.
Attorney General M. Jane Brady said her office was studying the issue and
would make a report to the state board that manages the records. Her office
also is studying whether some state officials could be held liable for
violating privacy rights, she said.

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 01/21/01
Permanent staff works to make the White House a home for Bush

Jane Fullerton
Special to the Democrat-Gazette
WASHINGTON -- While George W. Bush stood on the steps of the Capitol taking
the oath of office Saturday, workers at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue
began transforming the Clinton White House into the Bush White House.
Boxes were unpacked, furniture was rearranged, carpet was replaced, walls
were painted and pictures were hung in anticipation of the new residents --
an element as essential to the transition of power as the pomp and
circumstance, yet largely unseen and unknown outside the handful of longtime
White House workers who carry out the mission.

Arkansas City Traveler 01/19/01
Oxford man is maven of inaugurations

by Jeanne Richardson
Presidential inaugurations are the specialty of one Oxford resident who is
also a historian and archivist at Southwestern College. Jerry Wallace, who
spoke at the Winfield Public Library Thursday evening, worked as a historian
with the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington from 1970
until 1999, when he retired, and helped plan several inaugurations himself.
He was particularly instrumental in the second Nixon inauguration in 1973,
and the Reagan inaugurations in 1981 and 1985. He says, "It's tough to be an
expert at something you only get to use every four years!"
In his program at the library, he talked about several different aspects of
the inauguration, and shared many interesting facts about some past

Atlanta Journal Constitution 01/21/01
Staff's toil enriches Campbell


by Alan Judd
Public employees have helped Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell supplement his
income by researching and writing speeches and handling fees he earned for
giving them --- all from their offices in City Hall.
Files obtained from the mayor's office by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
demonstrate just how heavily Campbell relied on city workers as he collected
more than $150,000 as a speaker for hire.
At least seven city employees performed work to boost Campbell's outside
income, the files show.

Binghampton Free Press 01/210/1
Adoptees seek right to medical history

by Kelly Griffith
When Gina Caprari goes to the doctor, questions most people answer quickly
stop her in her tracks. "I don't know. I'm adopted," Caprari says when
doctors ask if certain diseases run in her family.
The 34-year-old Johnson City resident, who has cerebral palsy and allergies,
knows virtually nothing about her biological parents and their medical
In fact, until she received information from social services last year,
Caprari didn't know she weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth and measured 20
inches long.
"I've hit the wall right now," Caprari said of her efforts to get more

Chicago Tribune 01/21/01
State to get drunken driving files

by Darlene Gavron Stevens and Ray Long
Acknowledging that a flawed paperwork process has kept serious
drunken-driving convictions off permanent driving records, Cook County
Circuit Clerk Dorothy Brown is sending state officials 385 felony cases that
might have fallen through the cracks.
Brown issued the order last week after her staff confirmed a Tribune report
that many reckless homicide cases had never been sent to Secretary of State
Jesse White, allowing drivers to avoid automatic, long-term revocation of
their licenses.

Columbus Dispatch 01/21/01
Woman blames false records for cat's death

by Kathy Lynn Gray
Elizabeth Francis was told that the tiny kitten she adopted from Sav-A-Pet
animal shelter in September was healthy, except for a scratched eye.
But within six weeks, the tabby Francis dubbed Pumpkin Pie was so sick that
it spent 25 days at an animal hospital.
Pumpkin Pie died Dec. 29.

Foster's Daily Democratt 01/21/01
New Hampton representative wants court secrecy to end

by Michael Gillis
Last year's Supreme Court crisis exposed a secret side of the state's
judiciary, but if one state legislator has her way, a more open court may be
on the docket.
Rep. Fran Wendelboe, R-New Hampton, said she intends to clarify the state's
Right-to-Know law, so that it reaches the courts' back rooms. Her attempts to
open the courts may be joined this year by numerous other proposed bills that
aim to restrict information and shore up privacy.
Wendelboe believes court secrecy should end. She disagrees with Attorney
General Philip McLaughlin's opinion two years ago that the Right-to-Know law
does not extend to the judicial branch of the government.

Hoover Digest 2001 No. 1
Documenting Romania's Long Struggle

by Elena S. Danielson
When I first started working in the Hoover Archives in 1978, George Duca, a
European gentleman in his seventies, came to the reading room of the Hoover
archives every morning promptly at 7:45, impatient to get to work. He spoke
both English and French with a slight Eastern European accent. I discovered
that he had donated the memoirs of his father, Ion Duca, the prime minister
of Romania who had been assassinated by the fascist Iron Guard in 1933. In
the years between the two world wars, when a small educated elite was
struggling to establish stable nation-states in Eastern Europe, the loss of a
leader of Ion Duca's stature was devastating. His assassination was part of a
tragic chain of events that plunged Romania first into fascism and then
communism. His son was motivated by both personal and historical obligations
to keep the memory of prewar Romanian culture alive.

Los Angeles Times 01/21/01
FAA builds a stone wall around El Toro

by Leonard Kranser
It came as no surprise that the Federal Aviation Administration refused to
answer key questions about the recent test flights at El Toro. Local FAA
officials, in alliance with county employees, continually withhold
information from the public about the flight paths and environmental impacts
of their airport proposals.
Since 1998, I have submitted 11 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to
the FAA on behalf of Orange County residents. Bureaucrats have stonewalled,
and documents that could shed light on the plans for El Toro and John Wayne
are systematically withheld.

Star Tribune 01/20/01
Historical Society collects Thompson memorabilia

Associated Press
MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- The State Historical Society is collecting letters,
speeches, photographs and other artifacts that detail Gov. Tommy Thompson' s
14 years in office.
" It' s going to be hefty, " director George Vogt said of the collection of
records. " Several times when the governor has been over here ... I' ve told
him that from our perspective, his administration is going to be the most
studied in Wisconsin history, certainly since the Progressive era."

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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