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Re: US Signal Corps- W.W.II Motion Picture & Photographic Coverage

Mr. Wood,
    I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but we have a small collection of photos and a few reels of (personal) footage shot by Cpl. Floyd E. Ross.  Cpl. Ross was a photographer attached to the 509th Composite Group (the group organized to drop the A-bombs during the war).  Our collection consists primarily of shots taken by Ross during "off time" in Wendover Utah, and on Tinian Island.  His job with the 509th consisted of making motion pictures of practice bombing runs and then transferring them to still shots frame by frame for study of how the various bomb shapes fell in order to improve accuracy in the high altitude bombing that the B-29 performed (the first pressurized aircraft, it bombed from 30,000 ft.).  All of the actual footage was highly classified and everything he kept was reviewed and approved by censors.  I have no idea where the original footage of the test runs may be, you might check the National Archives or the National Air and Space Museum.  The 509th is still in existence as an Air Force group so they may have more info at their home base.  (Unfortunately I don't know where that is, perhaps Peter A. (researcer extrodinaire) Kurilecz will have a suggestion.)
I hope this run-on helps,
Tom Anderson; Collections
American Museum of Science and Energy
300 S. Tulane
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(865) 576-3228 (Voice), (865) 576-6024 (Fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: Wood, Adrian <AWood@IMGWORLD.COM>
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001 1:04 AM
Subject: [ARCHIVES] US Signal Corps- W.W.II Motion Picture & Photographic Coverage

Dear Colleagues,
I am seeking sources of information on the above, with especial regard to the activities of motion picture cameramen and combat photographers.
Please advise me if your institution holds any records, whether formal or personal, in regard to this topic.
Adrian Wood