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(Univ. Archivists): Interpreting FERPA

            How does your Archives or your University Registrar interpret FERPA relative to deceased students? Do you release student information ever? Or after a specific time lapse (e.g. 75 years) or upon some authentication of the death of a student?
            I have reviewed the latest text of the law on the DOE - Family Compliance Office website. The topic does not seem to be addressed directly in the law.
Ed Southern

Edwin Southern, Ph.D  (esouthern@ncsl.dcr.state.nc.us)
Head, State and University Records Unit
Department of Cultural Resources      
Division of Archives and History
Archives and Records Section       
Government Records Branch                           
4615 Mail Service Center                                    
Raleigh, NC 27699-4615

Phone 919/733-3540
Fax 919/715-3627

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