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Oxford 2001 Seminar

I'm forwarding this announcement about the Oxford
2001 Seminar to the list. Please reply to David
MacDonald if you are interested

Bob Schmidt
Archives Listserve Coordinator
Miami University Archives
Oxford, Ohio 45056

Subject: Oxford Seminar 2001
    Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 14:21:24 -0500
   From: David MacDonald <macdonald@ils.unc.edu>

Spring Trip to Oxford, England, Offers Opportunity
to Study At
World-Renowned Bodleian Library


Participants are being sought for a seminar
offering a chance to study the
history of librarianship at England's
world-renowned Bodleian Library, one
of the greatest research centers in the world.

The program is sponsored by SILS and the
University of Oxford's Bodleian
Library and its department for continuing

"Libraries and Librarianship: Past, Present and
Future" is a two-week
seminar that will trace the Bodleian Library's
past and chart the future of
information and technology. Participants may earn
three hours of graduate
credit from SILS for attending the May 20 - June
2, 2001, seminar.

In their ninth year of partnership on "Libraries
and Librarianship," SILS
and Oxford will provide a comprehensive survey of
librarianship in England.
Participants learn about academic libraries and
librarianship in Britain, as
well as trends and developments in library
automation in Britain and Europe.
Areas such as preservation, conservation and
collection development policies
are presented from both the Oxford and British
national viewpoints.

The seminar offers information and library science
professionals and
graduate students an opportunity to discuss trends
in academic librarianship
and to meet peers from around the world. Past
participants have included
corporate librarians, special collection
librarians, graduate students and
retired librarians.

The Bodleian Library is one of the greatest
libraries for advanced study and
research in the world. The Bodleian, one of the
British libraries of legal
deposit or copyright libraries, holds more than
six million items and
annually attracts thousands of researchers. The
series will be supplemented
by visits to Oxford College libraries, the British
Library in London and the
headquarters of Oxford University Press and
Blackwell's Book Services.

Mitzi Budde, a librarian from Alexandria, Va., and
a 1999 participant in the
program, called her Oxford trip "a refreshing and
renewing experience."

"The trip offered us the chance to visit historic
libraries with rich
collections and ancient histories," she said. "It
was a time to learn and
observe cutting-edge new techniques and
technologies, and an opportunity to
meet librarian colleagues from across the United
States and Great Britain."

SILS Professor Jerry Saye, academic director for
the 2000 trip, called the
program "a trip of a lifetime for anyone
interested in archives and the
history of librarianship."

Registrations must be postmarked by March 31,
2001. Registration is limited
and early registration is encouraged. For more
information, call (919)
962-8366 or send e-mail to oxford@ils.unc.edu.
Information and an online
registration form can be found at

For more information, contact:

David MacDonald, Director of Communications
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB#3360, 100 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Phone: (919) 843-8337
Fax: (919) 962-8071
E-mail: macdonald@ils.unc.edu

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