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Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments

AGENCY: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Notice of availability of proposed records schedules; request
for comments.


SUMMARY: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
publishes notice at least once monthly of certain Federal agency
requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). Once
approved by NARA, records schedules provide mandatory instructions on
what happens to records when no longer needed for current Government
business. They authorize the preservation of records of continuing
value in the National Archives of the United States and the
destruction, after a specified period, of records lacking
administrative, legal, research, or other value. Notice is published
for records schedules in which agencies propose to destroy records not
previously authorized for disposal or reduce the retention period of
records already authorized for disposal. NARA invites public comments
on such records schedules, as required by 44 U.S.C. 3303a(a).

DATES: Requests for copies must be received in writing on or before
February 12, 2001. Once the appraisal of the records is completed, NARA
will send a copy of the schedule. NARA staff usually prepare appraisal
memorandums that contain additional information concerning the records
covered by a proposed schedule. These, too, may be requested and will
be provided once the appraisal is completed. Requesters will be given
30 days to submit comments.

ADDRESSES: To request a copy of any records schedule identified in this
notice, write to the Life Cycle Management Division (NWML), National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 8601 Adelphi Road, College
Park, MD 20740-6001. Requests also may be transmitted by FAX to 301-
713-6852 or by e-mail to mailto:records.mgt@arch2.nara.gov.

Requesters must cite the control number, which appears in parentheses

after the name of the agency which submitted the schedule, and must provide
a mailing
address. Those who desire appraisal reports should so indicate in their

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marie Allen, Director, Life Cycle
Management Division (NWML), National Archives and Records
Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001.
Telephone: (301) 713-7110. E-mail records.mgt@arch2.nara.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Each year Federal agencies create billions
of records on paper, film, magnetic tape, and other media. To control
this accumulation, agency records managers prepare schedules proposing
retention periods for records and submit these schedules for NARA's
approval, using the Standard Form (SF) 115, Request for Records
Disposition Authority. These schedules provide for the timely transfer
into the National Archives of historically valuable records and
authorize the disposal of all other records after the agency no longer
needs them to conduct its business. Some schedules are comprehensive
and cover all the records of an agency or one of its major
subdivisions. Most schedules, however, cover records of only one office
or program or a few series of records. Many of these update previously
approved schedules, and some include records proposed as permanent.

No Federal records are authorized for destruction without the
approval of the Archivist of the United States. This approval is
granted only after a thorough consideration of their administrative use
by the agency of origin, the rights of the Government and of private
persons directly affected by the Government's activities, and whether
or not they have historical or other value.

Besides identifying the Federal agencies and any subdivisions
requesting disposition authority, this public notice lists the
organizational unit(s) accumulating the records or indicates agency-
wide applicability in the case of schedules that cover records that may
be accumulated throughout an agency. This notice provides the control
number assigned to each schedule, the total number of schedule items,
and the number of temporary items (the records proposed for
destruction). It also includes a brief description of the temporary
records. The records schedule itself contains a full description of the
records at the file unit level as well as their disposition. If NARA
staff has prepared an appraisal memorandum for the schedule, it too
includes information about the records. Further information about the
disposition process is available on request.

Schedules Pending


20. National Archives and Records Administration, Office of Records
Services (N2-77-01-1, 1 item, 1 temporary item). Copies of satellite
imagery files in the custody of the National Archives that were
accumulated by the Army Corps of Engineers between 1970 and 1978.
Records consist of black and white satellite film and such related
textual materials as indexes, camera specifications, and catalogs.
Recordkeeping copies of these files held by the U.S. Geological Survey
were previously approved for permanent retention.

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<font face=3D"Helvetica, Arial" color=3D"white"><b>=0A=
Very Urgent: Important Landsat Archive will be destroyed, please help    =
<font size=3D-1>by Ian Thomas                                   =0A=
<i>9:12pm Sat Feb 10 '01</i></font></font>=0A=
<tr bgcolor=3D"#333333" valign=3Dtop>=0A=
<td width=3D"100%"><font size=3D-1 face=3D"Helvetica, Arial">=0A=
 phone: (301)497-5636 <a =
href=3D"mailto:ian_thomas@usgs.gov";>ian_thomas@usgs.gov</a> =
<table width=3D"100%" border=3D0 hspace=3D0 vspace=3D0><tr><td><font =
face=3D"Helvetica, Arial" color=3D"white">=0A=
Please forward this message to all with an interest in saving and =
increasing public access to one of the most important international =
environmental datasets.  If you are unfamiliar with Landsat, a very =
quick non-technical introduction to why the issue below is important can =
be found at the following web page: =0D<br>=0A=
Earthshots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change  =
</blockquote></blockquote>Please forward this message to all with an =
interest in saving and increasing public access to one of the most =
important international environmental datasets.  If you are unfamiliar =
with Landsat, a very quick non-technical introduction to why the issue =
below is important can be found at the following web page: =0D<br>=0A=
Earthshots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change  =
One of only two existing archives of early Landsat satellite photographs =
is in danger of being destroyed.  The archive in question contains all =
data and photographs from Landsat 1, 2 &amp; 3 satellites, taken up to =
the year 1978.  The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), =
the current custodian of the data placed a notice in the U.S. Federal =
Register seeking public comment on the decision to destroy this archive. =
The decision to destroy the NARA Landsat archive has apparently been =
approved by the USGS National Mapping Division based on the assumption =
that the archive is an exact duplicate of a USGS Landsat archive.  It is =
unclear how National Mapping Division came to this conclusion when there =
is no catalogue of the NARA Landsat archive.  In particular, it is of =
great concern that there may be &quot;value added&quot; materials within =
the NARA Landsat archive that are NOT present in the USGS Landsat =
archive.  =0D<br>=0A=
These materials may include currently unavailable interpreted images, =
photo enlargements and large area mosaics that would take much labor and =
cost to recreate.  In addition, the decision to rely on a single copy of =
these datasets is questionable especially considering that the storage =
media (both film and tape) is now almost three decades old and variable =
The deadline for public comments is close of business, Monday, February =
12, 2001. It is urgent that concerned scientists and members of the =
public email Marie Allen, Director of the Life Cycle Management Division =
at National Archives mailto:records.mgt@arch2.nara.gov or FAX to =
(301)-713-6852 and please express the opinion that this invaluable =
archive should not be destroyed but should in fact be opened up for =
greater public access. Please be sure to cite the following reference =
information in your email: &quot;item 20 (N2-77-01-1) posted in the NARA =
notice, Federal Register, December 29, 2000&quot;=0D<br>=0A=
At a minimum your email should contain the following message:=0D<br>=0A=
&quot;In reference to item 20 (N2-77-01-1) Copies of satellite imagery =
files posted in the NARA notice, Federal Register, December 29, 2000. I =
strongly oppose the decision to destroy this invaluable global =
environmental dataset.  Instead, I urge the National Archives to make =
all possible efforts to make the data in question freely available for =
public access.  I request all information necessary for me to be able to =
fully comment further on the decisions of the National Archives with =
regard to this matter.&quot;=0D<br>=0A=
In 1972 the United States launched the first of the Landsat satellites.  =
Since then five other Landsat satellites have been successfully =
launched. Landsat 7 is currently taking pictures today continuing the =
critical monitoring of forests, ice sheets, agriculture, mining and =
other human activities that is so important if we are to understand more =
about how our environment is changing either from climate change or from =
direct human actions.  To understand and measure environmental change =
you need to have the historic perspective.=0D<br>=0A=
The Landsat program represents the most important remote sensing =
program.  It has recorded in great detail changes in the global =
environment over a period of almost three decades. No other satellite =
program has achieved such a continuous, complete and detailed record of =
In 1978 the archive of photographs taken by Landsat 1, 2 &amp; 3 was =
transferred from NASA and sent to two other agencies, the United States =
Geological Survey (USGS) and the Army Corps of Engineers.  The USGS =
Landsat archive is now maintained by the National Mapping Division at =
the EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  The other Landsat =
archive (the archive now at NARA) was used by the Army Topographic =
Laboratory at Fort Belvoir and by the Defense Mapping Agency until its =
transfer to the National Archives.  Although National Archives has held =
this Landsat archive for some years it has been inaccessible to the =
public.  The archive is not listed in any public finding aid and is =
uncatalogued.  Requests to view even sample materials have been denied =
as the material is kept in cold storage.=0D<br>=0A=
The availability of two archives presents a unique opportunity.  USGS =
should continue to preserve its Landsat archive at the highest =
standards.  Currently Landsat 1, 2 &amp; 3 images are available from =
USGS through the Global Land Information System (GLIS) online ordering =
for a cost of $200.00 per image (see =
The NARA Landsat archive should be opened up to the general public for =
direct access at National Archives or should be donated to any other =
organization willing to maintain and provide public access to what is an =
invaluable resource.  =0D<br>=0A=
Ian Thomas=0D<br>=0A=
United States Geological Survey=0D<br>=0A=
Biological Resources Division=0D<br>=0A=
GIS &amp; Remote Sensing Unit=0D<br>=0A=
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center=0D<br>=0A=
11510 American Holly Drive=0D<br>=0A=
Laurel, MD 20708-4015=0D<br>=0A=
phone: (301)497-5636=0D<br>=0A=
fax: (301)497-5666=0D<br>=0A=
email: ian_thomas@usgs.gov=0D<br>=0A=
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) =0D<br>=0A=
Notice in the US Federal Register: December 29, 2000 (Volume 65, Number =
251) [Page 83100-83102]=0D<br>=0A=