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Access & Filemaker Pro summary

Thank you to the several list members who emailed me in response to may
request for input from people who had used both of these database packages.
The consensus seems to be:

Filemaker is much more "likable" (there's no other word I can use for it --
FMP users seem genuinely fond of the product). It's easier to learn, simpler
for Web applications, and more stable for multiple users on a network.
Certain things are just not doable, however.

Access is more powerful, but with a steeper learning curve. You can do
almost anything, but may have to beat your head against the wall to figure
out how (especially since the wizards are more business that academic/text

Thanks to all for help in making a decision!

Deborah Wythe
Brooklyn Museum of Art Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238
tel: 718 638 5000 x311
fax: 718 638 3731
email: deborahwythe@hotmail.com

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