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ECDL2001 Call for Participation

          *********** Call for Papers ***********
                        ECDL 2001

          5th European Conference on Research and
          Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries

          September 4-8 2001, Darmstadt, Germany


             TUTORIALS  : September 4   2001
             CONFERENCE : September 5-7 2001
             WORKSHOPS  : September 8   2001

                    IMPORTANT DATES:

          April 1, 2001 : Deadline for ALL the proposals
          May 21, 2001  : Notification of acceptance
          June 20, 2001 : Camera ready papers from the authors

ECDL is the 5th in the annual European Digital Libraries conferences. This
gives a good opportunity to review the impact Digital Libraries have on
science, technology, and society in general. In this perspective the
conference will emphasise applications of Digital Library systems and their
integration in the user communities. Future perspectives, such as the
convergence of libraries, museums, and archives into Collective Memories,
will be discussed.

The scientific program includes:
* Submitted scientific papers, including short papers and submitted poster
* Presentations of prototypes, operational systems, and associated use
* Invited papers and panel discussions.
* A track for papers on advanced applications  ** NEW**


LIBRARIES; MUSEUMS; ARCHIVES - convergence in the digital world?
This focus will explore the on-going convergence of libraries, archives,
and museums into integrated digital information spaces on science, art, and
history. Contributions may discuss:
* How to organise these spaces and how to help people to find their way in
* The chances and limitations of blurring the roles of people involved -
  are they visitors, users, librarians, archivists, researchers?
* The roles of real artefacts and of their digital counterparts. Will
  digital images replace or enhance physical objects?

Future forms of collaboration in information spaces can be discussed under
various scenarios:
* Scientific research on and annotation of rare and fragile objects can be
  combined with the curiosity of interested lay persons.
* Digital objects allow "hands on" experience that is not possible with the
  real artefacts.
* Diverse interpretations and views now spread over various publications
  can be documented and brought together.

COLLECTIVE MEMORY - A global institution?
Global availability of digital Collective Memories makes the physical
location of Libraries, Museums, and Archives less important. However, the
local and regional idiosyncrasies of users will adapt only slowly to a
global view - especially when Collective Memories go beyond the domains of
science and large organisations. As a European conference, ECDL 2001 must
pay close attention to these aspects of globalisation with regard to
multilinguality, preservation of the diverse cultural heritage, traditions,
views, and approaches.

In those three areas scientific papers are called for especially in, but
not restricted to:
* Applications in science, technology, and society
* Integration in user communities
* User interfaces, user models
* Technologies supporting knowledge management
* Information and knowledge environments
* Collaboration in information spaces
* Information retrieval, filtering, personalisation, and enrichment
* Multimedia digital libraries
* Digitalisation and annotation of real world artefacts
* Data models, metadata models, ontologies
* Rights management, access control
* Information authentication and quality control
* Multilinguality


Authors of regular papers are invited to submit original contributions, not
exceeding 5000 words. The authors must follow the instructions found at
The ECDL 2001 home page http://www.ecdl2001.org will contain further
details on electronic submissions.

We solicit proposals for workshops related to the conference topics. The
workshops will be organised during September 8th 2001.

We solicit proposals for panels sessions related to the conference topics.
We strongly encourage panels that have a mixture of 2 academic and 2
practitioners/ users (plus the chair).

We solicit proposals for tutorials related to the conference topics. The
tutorials will be organised during September 4th 2001. Proposals should
identify the intended audience and provide a scope of what will be covered.

The conference organisers solicit proposals for demonstrations of
innovative results, projects and products, and also for high quality
posters. A permanent space for those purposes will be available during the
conference. The Demonstrations co-chairs can answer technical or practical
questions beforehand.

The proceedings will be published by Springer in the series of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html). The proceedings will be
published as printed books as well as a full-text electronic version.


Erich J. Neuhold, GMD-IPSI: neuhold@darmstadt.gmd.de
Elisabeth Niggemann, Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt:niggemann@dbf.ddb.de

Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg, NTNU, Trondheim:
Panos Constantopoulos, FORTH, Crete: panos@ics.forth.gr

Dan  Atkins, University of Michigan: atkins@umich.edu,
Karsten Wendland, TUD, Darmstadt:wendland@zit.tu-darmstadt.de

Norbert Fuhr, University of Dortmund:fuhr@cs.uni-dortmund.de
Richard Furuta, TAMU, Texas: furuta@cs.tamu.edu

Carol Peters, IEI-CNR, Pisa: carol@iei.pi.cnr.it

Rudi Schmiede, TUD, Darmstadt: schmiede@ifs.tu-darmstadt.de
Matthias Hemmje, GMD-IPSI: hemmje@darmstadt.gmd.de

Thomas Baker, GMD,St. Augustin: Thomas.baker@gmd.de
Nick Belkin, Rutgers Univ: nick@belkin.rutgers.edu

Andreas Paepcke, Stanford Univ., USA
Anne Brüggemann-Klein, TU Munich, Germany
Anne-Marie Vercoustre, CSIRO, Australia
C.J. van Rijsbergen, University of Glasgow, UK
Carl Lagoze, Cornell Univ., USA
Carol Peters, CNR, Italy
Chris Rusbridge, Univ. of Warwick, UK
Costantino Thanos, CNR, Italy
Dagobert Soergel, Univ. of Maryland, USA
Daniel E. Atkins, UoMichigan., USA
Ed Fox Virginia Tech, USA
Hachim Haddouti, Bavarian Research Center, Germany
Ingeborg Sølvberg, NTNU, Norway
Jose Borbinha, INESC, Portugal
Laszlo Kovacs, SZTAKI, Hungary
Lene Rold, National Museum, Denmark
Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Sciences
Linda Hill, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Lorcan Dempsey, UKOLN, UK
Lynda Hardman, CWI, Netherlands
Margaret Hedstrom, UoMichigan, USA
Martin Doerr, FORTH, Greece
Matthew Dovey, Oxford Univ., UK
Matthias Hemmje, GMD, Germany
Nick Belkin Rutgers, Univ., USA
Norbert Fuhr, Dortmund Univ., Germany
Ole Husby BIBSYS, Norway
Panos Constantopoulos, FORTH, Greece
Paul Miller, UKOLN, UK
Preben Hansen, SICS, Sweden
Richard Furuta, TAMU, Texas
Shiego Sugimoto, ULIS, Japan
Siegfried Krause, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Germany
Stuart Weibel, OCLC, USA
Thomas Baker, GMD, Germany
Traugott Koch, Lund University, Sweden
Trond Aalberg, NTNU, Norway
Ulrich Thiel, GMD, Germany

Sponsored by:
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Die Deutsche Bibliothek, The European
Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), DELOS Network
of Excellence, European Commission's Human Potential Programme, German
National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD)

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