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Re: Baker

Title: RE: Baker

reviews of some of Bakers' books may be found online at the NYTimes book page which goes back to 1980 http://www.nytimes.com/books/home/

In response to Daniel Traister, trying to "disagree with Double Fold on its merits" is exactly the problem I pointed out  in my response to Geri Solomon's post, and what I wish to avoid.  In reading the interview in the Sunday NYT book review, and his recent New Yorker piece Baker's argument hinges on one thing: bad microfilm.  I do not recall him advocating better microfilm to solve the problem, but original preservation.  (please point out my error here if i have made one)  If the argument is limited by Baker's assumption that original newspapers must be kept, there is nothing left to discuss -  is agree or disagree.

Baker's opinions on preservation must be viewed in the context of all of the records of culture that could be preserved.