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Potential Baton Rouge Academy test site

Several persons are hoping to hold the archival certification examination in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge is relatively centrally located and is about four hours from Houston, Texas, three hours from Mobile, Alabama, and three hours from Jackson, Mississippi. If you are interested in taking the 2001 archival certification examination in Baton Rouge, please contact Lewis Morris at the Louisiana State Archives, 225-922-0103, fx: 225-922-0433, lmorris@sec.state.la.us, or contact the offices of the Academy of Certified Archivists at aca@caphill.com.


Under the Academy’s “You Pick Your Site” program, the Academy will hold the examination in any city in the world if only five persons agree to sit for the exam at the same site. This program can save archivists thousands of dollars in travel costs. In addition to Baton Rouge, other possible sites under this program are Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Jefferson City, Missouri. 2001 test sites confirmed so far are Washington, Chicago, Phoenix, Boston, and Dallas.


The deadline to apply for the 2001 archival certification examination is May 15. For more information and an application form, please visit the Academy of Certified Archivists’ website at www.certifiedarchivists.org.




Leon C. Miller, Manuscripts Librarian

Special Collections, Jones Hall, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library

Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118

Ph: 504-865-5685, Fx: 504-865-5761





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