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Bug index on web?

Hello esteemed collegues!!

Has anyone out there in archives land stumbled across a bug/pest site on the
web that has an index by picture? In other words, something for us that
wouldn't know what a clover mite was unless we saw the teeny red critter and
it's reddish orange smear when we squish it. :) Any type of resource like
this would be nice (book, periodical). We are working on identifying some of
our pests (lots of baggies with assorted critters from the past year) and
often do not know the names of them. (like that black bug with a bright red
back - not a ladybug) Of course, we can only develop a pest mgt.
schedule/program when we have identified what kind of critters we have. :)

I have babbled enough. Thanks in advance for all your help!!!!!


Bridgette A. Kelly, Special Collections Manager
Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens
714 N. Portage Path
Akron, OH  44303
ph: 330-315-3232   fax: 330-836-2680
BKelly@stanhywet.org   www.stanhywet.org

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