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Re: Scrapbook Preservation

I second this request. We also have a great number of institution records
that were put into scrapbooks (along with newspaper clippings) that will
very shortly need work. This a timely topic.
Thank you. Katie

-----Original Message-----
From: Dianne Johnson [mailto:dyjohnso@WFUBMC.EDU]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Scrapbook Preservation

Please post replies to the list. We have several in dire need of
Thanks, Dianne

Dominic Grandinetti wrote:

> Would anyone know of some references sources (web sites, books,
> journals articles) that describe the various methods used to preserve
> scrapbooks.  Thanks for your help.
> Dominic P. Grandinetti
> Archivist
> American Jewish Historical Society
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