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[no subject]

Genetically inherited diseases, sexually transmitted diseases passed during
childbirth or even mental illness are three example of issues in one person
that may have serious privacy implications for another person well beyond
the death of the first.

Food for thought anyway.

Best wishes

Carl Temple
(views my own, not my employers)

PS my views were developed when working as the Archivist for the health and
welfare portfolios in the State of Victoria, Australia. Amongst our
collection were records of children and juveniles in distress and/or
involved in crime, intellectually disabled and psychiatrically ill.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nye, Valerie [mailto:vnye@RAIN.STATE.NM.US]
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2001 5:15 AM
Subject: Ethics in Archives

Would some of you out there be willing to share with me your repositories'
position on medical records, records dealing with crimes in which the
victim's statements are included (specifically from a Governor's
collection), and records created by lawyers?

According to the right to privacy, people who have died do not have a right
to privacy.  Ethically, however, I am wondering how different archives deal
with these types of sensitive records.  Is it enough to seal collections
until the people are dead?  Or should confidential records always be kept
confidential?  Should we be concerned about the families of the people
documented in these records?  Is it worthwhile to have hundreds feet of
records that are confidential taking up valuable space?

Any ideas, thoughts or *policies* would be appreciated!


Valerie Nye
Senior Archivist
1205 Camino Carlos Rey
Santa Fe, NM  87505
Phone:  505-476-7946
Fax:  505-476-7909

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