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Newspaper clippings with photos

A problem with photocopied clippings arises if photographs are involved.  If
someone needs a copy of the photo in the future, they will find the photocopy
of your photocopy extremely unsatisfactory.  When we copy clippings to
archival paper, we retain any newspaper photo, with identification, that
could be wanted for exhibits or other copying and discard the rest of the
clipping (unless it has potential exhibit value).  We keep those original
news photos, enclosed in buffered paper, with the photocopied article.  (We
know it's not a perfect system).  
 We were glad we did when we got a request for a 50-year-old photo that
could be found nowhere else.  The gentleman in the newspaper photo looks
amazingly good in the video production that resulted.
Mary Prendergast
Harding Twp. Historical Society, New Vernon, NJ