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Greetings All
This email, like all such emails, is a hoax. They exist only to clog the world's email servers. A good place to verify such items is http://www.datafellows.com --One of the nation's leaders in Virus and Hoax tracking.  You can do a search on such things as OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE and it will give the latest hoax information.   I ran the search and got this postitng :
A word to the wise: Although this posting was probably orginated without malicious intent, others may not be so benign.  If the ability to track your emails was embedded in such emails--i.e. _javascript_ed in the underlying HTML sourcecode--this same type of function could also provide a hacker access to your computer files, or through an include, force your computer to automatically download and execute malicious code--exactly the same as if you received a virus. 
Never, Never forward such items without checking with a reliable source on hoaxes and viruses.
Noah Phelps
Web Programmer