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Re: Ethical library practices. An empowering Internet. How to participate more effectively in improving our cities' public libraries.

 From: Eoin OCeallaigh <takhisis@oceanfree.net>

 The local authority that I work for (under whose remit
 their public library service falls) has instigated a
 formal system whereby any staff member can lodge a
 query through a communications team (for want of a
 better phrase) on any aspect of policy or service and
 the authority is OBLIGED to provide a proper response
 within a set time limit.

 At first I was very sceptical thinking that it would be
 more useful to improve communication structures rather
 than impose such a draconian mechanism, but from what I
 have seen it has worked very well and people by and
 large are very happy with it.

 Obviously it makes things better if any employee,
 regardless of grade, can call this information out into
 the open and where everyone, communally, can examine
 the structures and policies that they must work with.

 I wouldn't say everything is now perfect but it is
 certianly an interesting and commendable initiative.

 As regards patrons having access to similar information
 let me say two things, firstly as information
 providers, library services should be seen to lead the
 way with policies that are progressive as regards
 providing information on themselves, and secondly,
 surely it is an undeniable principle that if taxpayers
 monies are being used to provide a service (any
 service, not just libraries) that they are entitled to
 clear, accessible explanations as to how that money is


On Wed, 13 June 2001, Don Saklad wrote:

  You can send requests via email for your city's public
  libraries' long range planning reports and related
  curatorial reports to be sent to you via email or have
  them posted on library web links.

  Asking for legitimately public reports of your cities'
  public libraries is a good thing.

  Asking can empower and allow greater citizen
  participation in our libraries long range planning
  instead of having people kept at too long an arms reach
  from what should be a public process.

  Massachusetts State Secretary Bill Galvin's Public
  Records Division put our public library on notice to
  disclose legitimately public information.

  But Massachusetts citizens have had direct denials or
  denials by lack of response by our Regional and
  Massachusetts Library of Last Recourse City of Boston
  Public Library Departments President Bernie Margolis.

  Attempts to deflect people who would read the public
  information have been made by applying extorting
  punishing additional fees by the BPL President's
  delegated FOI freedom of information officer BPL
  Operations Director R. Kowal.

  Attempting to charge for access is ironical when the
  materials are our own public library materials compiled
  by our own public library.

  It's the tactics for deterring public interest or
  denying concerns of public libraries users, public
  libraries personnel and public libraries unions
  collective bargaining labor relations advocates
  affected by the legitimately public information that
  in the public interest should be provided readily


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