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500 thousand images indexed by GIS on Internet, ARMA ISG meeting

The City of Los  Angeles has placed just over 500 thousand images on the
Internet.  The  75 megapixel images are indexed using the City GIS
(Geographic Information System).  The images were scanned from 35 mm film at
an optical resolution of 10 thousand by 7,500 pixels.  The project is
scanning approximately 6 thousand images per day and is planned to soon
reach the goal of putting 800 thousand to 1 million images on the Internet.
Most images are scanned at 1 bit per pixel, but the scanning system supports
8 bits per pixel and, in next month's planned ease-of-use site update, the
storage and display system will supports 24 and 36 bits per pixel as well as
multispectral imaging.

The systems is also designed to support (modeled as a map layer) an
approximately 50 billion pixel 8 bit GIS registered digital
orthophotographic image (6 inch pixels, 468 square miles, 2 foot contour
lines) (the image is 316 thousand pixels by 474 thousand pixels, with an
irregular polygonal edge.) (3 square miles are available now, completion
planned for this year).  This is planned to provide a continuous tone image
for the entire City.   The continuous tone digital orthophoto image
(digitally orthographically corrected to an accuracy of 6 inches over a
distance of 47 miles by 31 miles) can be matched with all of the vector
image layers in the GIS.  Both the contone digital orthophoto and the more
than 250 vector data GIS layers are available at continuously variable map
scales to index documents.  In next month's planned ease-of-use site update,
the system will be enhanced to support realtime continuous roaming and
zooming (from 1 pixel to 50 billion pixels) (and more) over a dialup
Internet connection through progressive transmission of resolution of 1 bit,
24 bit, 36 bit, and multispectral images.  (Currently the systems supports
discontinuous raster and vector based roaming and zooming in 8 bits over the

In addition, the system has an extensive relational database which can be
used in conjunction with the GIS system's 250 layers of vector information
for over 900 thousand parcels that can be used to locate the images.  The
images are of City maps and blueprints of the built infrastructure.  Other
examples of GIS layers of GIS information include: Graffiti Zones, Geologic
Faults (Earthquake Faults), Hillside Grading, Hi Potential Methane, High
Wind Area, Liquifaction/Subsidence, Potential Methane, Fire Brush Clearance,
Street Resurfacing, Flood Plains, Storm Pipes (Drains), Storm Drain Inlets,
Truck Routes (High, Heavy).

The system  also supports interactive submission of large format images for
the redlining of plans and the issuance of permits over the Internet.  The
redlining capability can also be used by field workers to input data, via
the Internet, that can be used to create real time maps of field incidents,
events, and status on the Internet.

/ or communications are described, identified, indexed, abstracted, scanned,
stored, retrieved, transmitted, displayed, printed, and / or otherwise
acquired and / or provided under a feasibility pilot program and do not
constitute an announcement, guarantee, schedule, and / or specification of
any present and / or future service, product, and / or capability. All
public documents remain available through existing public access methods.
Documents accessed through existing public access methods take precedence
over these files, documents and / or communications.


The Southern California and Southern Nevada Industry Specific Group on State
and Local Records of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators
has been meeting for more than 6 years.  The following description of the
content of our next meeting is made available in the hopes of increasing our
meeting attendance, and of increasing the membership of ARMA International
[www.ARMA.org].  The attachments for the meeting are omitted.


ARMA ISG Meeting on Tuesday, July 10, 2001 Managing Electronic Records and
Earthquake Racking

Hi ARMA ISG, State and Local Government Records, Southern CA and NV Members,

Here is the meeting announcement for the ARMA Southern California / Southern
Nevada State and Local Government Records ISG meeting, Tuesday, July 10,
2001 The subject is Managing Electronic Records, hosted by the City of Los
Angeles.  For the earlybirds, there will also be a tour of the new 750
thousand dollar earthquake racking just installed to replace the shelves
damaged by the Northridge Earthquake.  We have included the announcement as
plain text in this email message.  We have also attached a Microsoft Word 95
version and a PDF version of the announcement.  Please forward this email or
fax a copy of the Word or PDF documents to anyone you think might like to

If you cannot attend

For people who cannot attend: The websites presented are: Internet GIS
indexed documents and digital orthophoto: http://NavigateLA.LACity.org  and
Internet permitting and plancheck redlining:  http://Eng.LACity.org/demos
There is a planned ease-of-use site update in the next month, so if you have
any problems, please try back in a few weeks.  The City of Los Angeles has a
monthly meeting to coordinate GIS and Document Management plans.  If you
would like to get the meeting announcements, topics, websites presented, and
meeting recap via email, please send your email address to

The announcement also includes a schedule of all of the ISG meetings for


ARMA ISG Meeting on Tuesday, July 10, 2001 Managing Electronic Records and
Earthquake Racking

ARMA International
The Information Management Professionals

State and Local Government Industry Specific Group (ISG)
Greater Los Angeles - Orange County - Upland Inland Empire - San Diego
Bakersfield - Ventura Coastal - Silver State (Las Vegas) Chapters

Co-coordinators: Steve Gilheany SteveGilheany@InternetPost.com Todd
Gaydowski  RGaydowski@Clerk.LACity.org

Managing Electronic Records

Tuesday, July 10, 2001

(Metro and Metro Link Accessible)

10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon   and   1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Early Bird Special Tour of Records Center and Archives,
and newly installed 750 thousand dollar Earthquake Racking (shelves)


 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM     Earlybirds: Stop by any time in space 320 Piper Tech
to catch up with the other early birds.

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM     Introduction & Group Business

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM     Discussion of City Records Center and City Archives
reconstruction and inventory relocation – Records Management Division

10:30 AM - 10:50 AM     Discussion of Los Angeles City Clerk's Electronic
Records Task Force goals and objectives – Records Management Division

10:50 AM - 12:00 PM     Public Works Department digitization program (with
GIS index). For additional background, please visit the LA online permitting
web site listed above  before the presentation.

12:00 PM  -  1:30 PM     Lunch at the MTA Cafeteria (Very Good) across the

  1:30 PM  -  3:00 PM     Aperture card document imaging demonstration, 600
South Spring St.

Please see directions sheets for related Internet hyperlinks.  Please bring
about 20 copies of any materials you would like to share with the group on
our topic.  We invite discussions, so please think about what you might want
to ask or contribute to the discussion. For those who can, we plan to go to
lunch as a group immediately following the meeting.

Hosted by Hynda L. Rudd.  Please RSVP to Todd Gaydowski no later than July
6, 2001 at RGaydowski@Clerk.LACity.org.  Our meetings are free.  If you
received a paper meeting notice, please help us save some trees by sending
us your email address so we can email our meeting notices to you.  Please
send email addresses and changes of addresses to
SteveGilheany@InternetPost.net.  Please fax or email this notice to anyone
you think might like to attend.

Morning Location:  Piper Technical Center, Space 320, 555 Ramirez Street,
Los Angeles, CA    Directions are attached.

We are meeting in the City Clerk's Records Management Division Office.

Afternoon Location: Bureau of Engineering, 600 South Spring St., Suite 800,
Los Angeles, CA

Contributions or gifts to our organization are not deductible as charitable
contributions for U.S. Federal Income Tax purposes.  Members’ dues and other
payments may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.

ARMA International

The Information Management Professionals

State and Local Government Industry Specific Group (ISG)
Greater Los Angeles - Orange County - Upland Inland Empire - San Diego
Bakersfield - Ventura Coastal - Silver State (Las Vegas) Chapters

Co-coordinators: Steve Gilheany SteveGilheany@InternetPost.com Todd
Gaydowski  RGaydowski@Clerk.LACity.org


2001 Meeting Schedule


Tuesday, January 9, 2001  Installing and Operating a Document Management
System and a Discussion of Electronic Signatures,  City of Mission Viejo

Tuesday, March 13, 2001  Policies and Procedure Manual for Records
Management,  City of Escondido

Tuesday, May 8, 2001  Document Imaging and Document Management for Large
Format Documents,  City of Rancho Mirage

Tuesday, July 10, 2001  Managing Electronic Records and GIS,  City of Los

Tuesday, September 11, 2001  RFPs and Procuring a Document Imaging System,
City of Burbank

Tuesday, November 20, 2001  Retention Schedules  (Also: Planning Meeting for
IAG 2001 Schedule),  City of Irvine

Our meetings are free.  They are usually from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.  We
usually go to lunch as a group at a restaurant near the meeting location.
Please send email addresses and changes of addresses to
SteveGilheany@InternetPost.net.  Please help us save some trees by emailing
our meeting notices.  Please fax or email this notice to anyone you think
might like to attend.

Contributions or gifts to our organization are not deductible as charitable
contributions for U.S. Federal Income Tax purposes.  Members’ dues and other
payments may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.

GIS and Scanned Maps and Blueprints Presentation

For people who cannot attend

The websites presented are: Internet GIS (Geographic Information System)
indexed documents and digital orthophoto: http://NavigateLA.LACity.org  and
Internet permitting and plancheck redlining:  http://Eng.LACity.org/demos
There is a planned ease-of-use site update in the next month, so if you have
any problems, please try back in a few weeks.  The City of Los Angeles has a
monthly meeting to coordinate GIS and Document Management plans.  If you
would like to get the meeting announcements, topics, websites presented, and
meeting recap via email, please send your email address to

City of Los Angeles, Engineering and GIS Information
Being Made Available on the Internet

June 25, 2001 status: 800 thousand maps and blueprints (500 thousand
available now, planned completion this year), permit issuing (available
now), GIS data for 900 thousand parcels (available now), and a 50 billion
pixel GIS registered digital orthophoto (6 inch pixels, 468 square miles, 2
foot contour lines) (3 square miles available now, planned completion this

Digital Orthophoto

This is planned to provide a continuous tone image for the entire City.
The continuous tone digital orthophoto image (digitally orthographically
corrected to an accuracy of 6 inches over a distance of 47 miles) can be
matched with all of the vector image layers in the GIS.  Both the contone
digital orthophoto and the more than 250 vector data GIS layers are
available at continuously variable map scales to index documents.

The digital orthophoto can be viewed by going to this City of Los Angeles
URL: [http://navigatela.lacity.org   After clicking “accept conditions” you
will go to: http://navigatela.lacity.org/scripts/welcome.pl?pii=1     Then,
by typing in an address of “1111 Figueroa”.  This is the address for Staples
Center.  Click on the blue highlighted address.  This will show the parcels
surrounding Staples Center.  Scroll down to the bottom of the list of check
boxes.  Check “Aerial Photo”.  This will show a photo of the area.  Scroll
up and uncheck “parcel detail” to see a photo of the area covered by the
parcels.  You can see the letters “Staples Center” on the roof.  You can
grab the image with the little hand and drag the image around.  You can also
zoom in and out using the magnifying glass tool icons.

This aerial photo of Staples Center and the surrounding area is a portion of
the photo that is planned to cover the entire City by the end of the year.

Other map features include (near the bottom of the scrolled list): Graffiti
Zones, Geologic Faults (Earthquake Faults), Hillside Grading, Hi Potential
Methane, High Wind Area, Liquifaction/Subsidence, Potential Methane, Fire
Brush Clearance, (in the middle) Street Resurfacing, Flood Plains, Storm
Pipes (Drains), Storm Drain Inlets, (top) Truck Routes (High, Heavy).  There
are a total of more than 250 layers in the GIS system that can be used to
index City documents on the Internet.

There is a more detailed description at

City of Los Angeles GIS Indexed Engineering Drawing Repository on the

To Access a Drawing Via the Internet

Go to this City of Los Angeles URL: [http://navigatela.lacity.orgAfter
clicking “accept conditions” you will go to:
[http://navigatela.lacity.org/scripts/welcome.pl?pii=1]  Then click the
Vault tab above the map to access specific documents.

Please note:  Check boxes to show many annotations, such as street names,
only appear at a zoom window size below 500 feet, other check boxes only
appear at sizes above 500 feet.  The next ease-of-use update is planned to
simplify this feature.

Downloading Drawing D-21735

Click the Vault tab above the map in the navigate window.  This will take
you to: [http://navigatela.lacity.org/scripts/welcome.pl?pii=1Enter D-21735
in the View plan box.  Click load.  Then click on the first underlined
D-21735 and you will get a 593 KiloByte TIFF image.  This image is viewable
using the Kodak/Microsoft image viewer delivered in all copies of Windows
95,98, ME, NT, and 2000.  (The release date for Windows XP is October 25,

There is a more detailed description at

City of Los Angeles Permit Issuing Over the Internet

Paperless Permitting

Issuing engineering permits has been a slow and paper intensive process.  At
the City of Los Angeles, issuing engineering permits is now a paperless
(except for the permanent record), Internet based, process that can complete
a full circle of plan check redlining / plan update in less than one hour,
and all of the records are available in digital form for use in the future.

Issuing Permits on the Internet

To see how the City of Los Angeles issues permits on the Internet, go to:
[http://eng.lacity.org]  On the Permits drop down list, click on Demo B
Permits.  You can also go directly to [http://Eng.LACity.org/demos]  This
will take you to:
[http://eng.lacity.org/demos/bpermits/start.htm]   Clicking on “customer”
will take you to: [http://eng.lacity.org/demos/bpermits/index.htm]  Choose
from the options to explore the system.

City of Los Angeles Plan Check and Markup Over the Internet

At [http://eng.lacity.org/demos/bpermits/index.htmthere is a demonstration
of how raster Scanned and AutoCAD drawings can be uploaded, checked, and
returned for changes via the Internet.

Field Incident Reporting

The redlining capability can also be used by field workers to input data,
via the Internet, that can be used to create real time maps of field
incidents, events, and status on the Internet.


Directions to the ARMA ISG Presentation:
 Managing Electronic Records



10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, Tuesday, July 10, 2001
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Early Bird Special Tour of Records Center and Archives
and newly installed 750 thousand dollar Earthquake Racking (shelves)

Early arrivals are welcome to visit the Los Angeles City Archives and
Records Center, located in Space (Room) 320, Piper Technical Center.

Bus, Metro (Subway), and Metro Link: from Union Station: