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Pre-Friday funnies

The Arkansas History Commission, our state archives, is located in the
Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism.  This came from a fellow employee
in the department.  I enjoyed it and thought you would, too:-)  Kind or
reminds me why the question I kept asking myself on returning to Little Rock
after the 1986 SAA China Archives Study Tour was, "Where is everyone???"
Tokyo Water Park, where their slogan reads: "Get away from the hustle and
bustle of city-life as we welcome you to the breathtaking Tokyo Water Park
where you can wash away the pressure and stress of the overcrowded city and
relax with your friends in the soothing enjoyment of sun, fun and
splashing". See attachment below

Lynn Ewbank, photo archivist
Arkansas History Commission
One Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-6900
http://www.ark-ives.com/photo <http://www.ark-ives.com/photo>


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