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[no subject]

There are at least two problems with leaving the negs coiled: 1) you end up
with negs that hold that curled shape (the ones on the inside of the coil,
being most tightly wound will be hardest to flatten whenever used for
printing), and 2) there's no real way to easily examine the negatives when
choises need to me made for printing, and our old enemy -- abrasive dust --
can more easily attack unprotected negs.

The film cans, in and of themselves, have no intrinsic value.

My 2 cents worth....

Kevin V. Bunker
Student Assistant
California State Archives

> ----------
> From:         Diane Martz[SMTP:dmartz@HEINZ.ORG]
> Reply To:     Diane Martz
> Sent:         Sunday, August 26, 2001 4:58 AM
> Subject:      35mm negatives
> Good Day, All!
> One of the people represented in our family collection was an avid
> photographer who has left quite a number of rolls of 35 mm negatives.
> They
> are in the original small metal cans and they look to have been untouched,
> in some cases, since the mid 1930s.
> My question is whether they should continue to be stored as rolls or cut
> to
> be stored flat in negative sleeves.  If they should be cut, should that
> job
> be left to a professional photographic handling house?  The rolls seem to
> be in very good condition but with little experience in the care of
> negatives I am unsure whether they will retain their condition over the
> long term and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize the negatives.  I
> consider myself lucky that they have made it this far.
> I would appreciate any help you can provide.
> Also, to throw in my 2 cents worth, I agree with Nicholas Gilliam that the
> loss to the archives list archives of discussions is a drawback to the
> reply to the sender function.  So often I refer to it for advice and a
> thorough vetting of topics and I fear the loss of such a valuable
> resource.
>  One can always refer to standard written sources for information but
> often
> the everyday experiences of archivists in the field prove more helpful in
> real world situations.
> Thanks again.
> Diane Martz
> Heinz Family Archivist
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