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Web presence of SAA presentations on IU ER Project and Capture of Web Records

Dear colleagues:

Please ignore cross postings.

This is to inform you that four of the presentations made at the Society of
American Archivists meeting that concluded in Washington last Sunday are
accessible on my website under NEW ITEMS. Since there are typically no
proceedings of SAA meetings, this may be the only source for this late
information for those who could not attend, at least for the immediate future.

All 3 Session #60 presentations on the Indiana University Electronic Records
Project are included (Phil Bantin, Rosemary Pleva Flynn and Rick Barry). They
provide the latest information available on the project research.

This is an important project for several reasons that those of us associated
with the project are very excited about it. It is the first design and
implementation ER project I am aware of that:
-- addresses the capture of electronic records from transaction-based systems;
-- uses portal technology and possibly a workflow engine to capture
electronic records;
-- uses distributed content management concepts for the supporting

Although the project is being implemented in a university environment, the
above characteristics make it of great potential relevance to most public and
private sector organizations where ERPs and other transaction-based systems
are prevalent.  Until now, implementation projects have been focused mainly
on text-based systems, using enterprise document management systems with
serious recordkeeping functionality -- let's say EDMS+.  I, and I know all of
the people involved in the IU project, would very much like to hear about any
other implementations of this kind. We know that some other universities are
beginning to use portal technologies, but not as an ER front-end.
Information updates on the project continue to be made available on the
official site for the IU ER Project
but for now, the latest project information is in these presentations.

Also, you will find a most interesting and timely presentation that was made
by Charles Dollar during the Business Archivists Colloquium on the capture
and management of web-based records. There is still little literature on this
growingly important subject. It is also located in the NEW ITEMS page as well
as the HOT TOPICS/WWW v Records page along with other web-records resources.

All of the above presentations have been placed on www.rbarry.com at the
request of, or by permission of, the authors.  Where there is an option
between a paper and a slide presentation, I typically opt for the paper,
which normally articulates and develops the subject matter more than does the
usual slide presentation. Thus, you will see a mix of the two media in these
selections.  I hope you will find this information useful. Please visit the
site for this and other papers on information and records management, and I
invite you to stop by the Guest Book while you are there.


Rick Barry