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Re: open letter

It is time for the media to portray a better image of America both at home
and abroad. Even our kids have a warped view of America. No wonder so
few of them vote.  They see the world through the eyes of the advertisers and tv shows, and what they see is greed and sleaze.  So what have we
gained for our unfiltered freedom of speech?  Our worst messages get out.
A little censorship and a lot of  parental responsibility and a lot media responsibility are needed now.

Sharon Centanne

Jacquelyn Saturley wrote:

I try to not get involved in any discussions -- especially when it comes to politics. But because of the times and especially the passions, I would like to comment, and I do hope I do not offend anyone, that is not my intention. Perhaps I just don't have as many warm and fuzzy flag moments as most. And I am not as articulate as many on the list -- but a few of my thoughts. . . We all agree the attack on New York was horrific and without reason. Number #1-- "when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose" and I understand Afghans probably fall into that category. I am sure that people in Northern Ireland, Palestine and Israel react with the same amount of passion as we have when civilians are killed. And they have lived for years with violence around the corner or in their face. Is that the way we want to live? There is absolutely no way to keep terrorists from retaliating and the violence just escalates. The burden might not fall on military troops. What are we willing to sacrifice? Wifes, husbands, mothers, or worse, our children?? When going to work, or school, or even shopping, is not safe how will we feel? The Arabic world, or whomever, understands our wonderful culture as much as we understand theirs. In school, one of our assignments, was to trade e-mail with people from a foreign country. I e-mailed with another college student in Australia, Australia -- for gosh sake. He also thought America was a land of sleazy, gun-toting, amoral people. He hated Americans. Just think, most of the world learns about our country through films and TV. Which show represents your community? I watched the premier of "Philly" on TV last night -- lawyers having sex on a desk in the courthouse in exchange for a lighter sentence, a lawyer stripping in front of a judge and jury, were just a few of the many moments in the show. We know these kind of shows aren't real -- but people in other countries don't. Not to mention that Salvador Allende's family is suing Henry Kissinger for ordering the assassination of their father. Or the morality/ethics of Nixon, or Clinton, or Iran-Contra. Or even the fact that campaign finance contributions that we feel fall too close to bribes, and our Supreme Court considers "freedom of speech." These are what other cultures remember. They don't know Granny, they didn't belong to the Boy Scouts, and most have never gone to a baseball game or church on Sunday with dinner with the family after. And these are the things we remember. All too often our government has not decided issues based on ethics or what the average person would consider the "right" thing to do, but on "best interests."Whatever they are (you lay down with the dogs, you get fleas). I have not a clue what our government should do, nor am I sure that I trust them to do what's best. It's very upsetting, I don't see a good solution only bad alternatives. Do I think the perpetrators should pay? Of course, I just don't know that I want to. Jackie Saturley

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