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Re: Viva La Vinyl (was Friday Funnies)

I love vinyl too, but one of my cousins couldn't figure out that one played BOTH sides!  He couldn't find half of the album!

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From:         Matthew Darby <mat_darby@HOTMAIL.COM>
Reply-To:     Matthew Darby <mat_darby@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date:         Thu, 4 Oct 2001 12:09:18 -0500

>I find this discussion interesting because many keep talking about vinyl
>records as though they are obsolete, as in no longer being produced. Check
>out any independent RECORD store (i.e. not Tower or most chain stores) and
>you'll find that about half of the stock is vinyl (LPs & 7 inches - aka
>45's). As someone that grew up listening to a lot of indie rock and punk
>music, I know there is still a VERY large community of people, much younger
>than me, at only 27, who know what vinyl records are and continue to buy
>and/or release their music on vinyl.
>Mat Darby
>LCRA Archives
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Katy Smith

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