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Re: Your intemperate attack on the Academy of Certified Archivists

In a message dated 10/24/01 8:38:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time, kacah00@TAMUK.EDU writes:

I appreciate what you say about certifying archival educational programs. That seems far more rational to me.  I have also come to believe that perhaps producing a portfolio and references might be a more adequate way of showing competency in the Archival profession.  I am not opposed to archival certification, I am opposed to taking one more exam over a very limited amount of information and then claiming that it shows I am more professional and/or more competent.

First of all, educational programs are accredited not certified. That said the exam does not show that an individual is "more professional and/or more competent" it shows a baseline competency. I suggest that individuals go to the ACA website and download ACA Handbook. The handbook (in pdf format) contains extensive information on the entire process. http://www.certifiedarchivists.org/html/handbook.html

I think that once you review the 7 domains discussed in the handbook you will see that individuals are not tested on a "very limited amount of information".

Professional certification is becoming more and more a fact of life. Employers rarely have the time to review an individual's portfolio, professional certifications are easily verified and speeds along the process. When applying for positions employers usually see only a one to two page resume. The listing of certifications on a resume will generally (not always)put an individual in the stack that will receive further consideration. For example I know of a state agency that published an advertisement several years ago for a records manager. One of the requirements was that applicants MUST be a CRM. The agency received over 50+ applications. Of those 50+ only 3 applicants held the CRM designation. Guess who got invited to the interview.

Certification is a door opener.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va