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RAIN 11/06: JFK tapes, "it's too easy", Gopher

There are 19 stories in this posting

Cincinnati Enquirer 11/05/01
Access is cost of security

by Charles Wolfe
FRANKFORT - The price of heightened security in Kentucky may soon include the
censorship of some public records and other information. The censor would be
state government.
Officials in Gov. Paul Patton's administration are drafting an amendment to
the Open Records Act that, if enacted, would allow public agencies to
withhold certain kinds of information on the grounds of security.

BBC News 11/05/01
Croatia opens secret files

The Croatian authorities have opened secret police files that the previous,
nationalist government kept on its opponents.

Chicago Tribune 11/05/01
Artifact preservation under way


by Anick Jesdanun
NEW YORK -- Crushed vehicles, tattered photos and scrawled missing persons
fliers. Video tributes on the Internet. Desperate pleas recorded on voice
Among the relics of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, they are for curators,
collectors and scholars the makings of future exhibits and archives.

Agence France-Presse 11/05/01
Croatia opens secret files of former regime

ZAGREB, Nov 5 (AFP) - Croatia on Monday opened a portion of files the secret
services made during the former nationalist regime, including those on
journalists, Croatian national radio reported.

Decatur Democrat 11/05/01
Information questions on line for county

by Eric Mann
What's the difference between "providing information" and "making information
The answer to that question - among others - will be part of the process in
the months ahead as Adams County leaders deal with a growing number of
requests for information from the county's large storehouse of records.

Dallas Morning News 11/05/01
Investigators say e-mails, files on seized machines offer key clues

by Jennifer Emily
An accused child molester told Dallas County sheriff's investigators that he
was innocent. His computer said otherwise.
Sorting through the insides of a computer, much like a medical examiner
performs an autopsy, has become a day-to-day occurrence in solving crimes.
Clues and evidence in homicide, rape, and narcotics investigations are hidden
in e-mails, word processing files, and computerized planners.

Richmond Times Dispatch 11/05/01
JFK tapes weighty, petty

by Carlos Santos
CHARLOTTESVILLE Between the summer of 1962 and the end of the Cuban Missile
Crisis, President John F. Kennedy secretly taped selected meetings and
conversations at the White House, possibly for his own memoirs.

Reuters 11/05/01
Internet seen falling short for global teamwork

by Sherwood Ross
STURGIS, S.D. (Reuters) - The rise of the Internet as the primary tool to
link global work place teams has caused some managers to scrimp on
face-to-face meetings of team members, to their apparent detriment.
``A good percentage -- perhaps one-fourth to one half -- of global teams
fail,'' said David Lewin, professor of management at the University of
California at Los Angeles.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 11/04/01
Newspaper to file lawsuit for caucus deal records

by Dennis Chapman
Madison - The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the Wisconsin State Journal are
going to court Monday in an attempt to force the state Ethics Board and the
Elections Board to turn over records they compiled as they worked out a deal
to scrap the Legislature's partisan caucuses.

North County Times 11/05/01
Nuclear plant documents largely ignored

by Phil Diehl
IRVINE ---- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has swept vast amounts of
once-public information about nuclear power from its Web site, fearing the
data could be fuel for terrorists, but thousands of aging documents remain
available at the University of California at Irvine.

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 11/05/01
Carnegie man documents history's heroes

by Erik Siemers
George Washington is there. So are Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and
Sigmund Freud.
Walt Disney just joined them. So did Samuel Francis Smith, who wrote the poem
that became the song "America."
Those historical figures are among the cast of characters whose signatures
are scratched onto documents scattered across Stan Klos' Carnegie office.

Rocky Mountain News 11/05/01
Opinion: Hiding history from us


It may be an unworthy thought, but it seems that the Bush White House has
taken advantage of the nation's preoccupation with other matters to slip a
patently self-serving executive order past Congress and the public.

The Patriot News 11/05/01
Some worry it's too easy to get ID


by Ellen Lyon
When Jacob Otero moved to Harrisburg, he surrendered his New Jersey license,
as state law requires, to PennDOT, which returned it to New Jersey, he said.
"Instead of destroying the license, they reissued it eight times," said
Otero, who suspects a New Jersey motor vehicle department employee may have
sold it.

Star-Tribune 11/05/01
The U's Gopher system was the early way around the Net

by Sherri Cruz
Before Jeff Bezos, before Marc Andreessen, software engineers Mark McCahill,
Farhad Anklesaria and a team of developers at the University of Minnesota
created a campus-wide information system that changed the way people used the

The Cabin 11/05/01
Veterans' writings featured in AETN show, exhibit

by Fred Petrucelli
The poignancy of war letters that virtually span the history of American wars
is captured in a stunning exhibit offered by the Arkansas Educational
Television Network.
The exhibit will open Wednesday with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. and run
through Wednesday, Dec. 19.

New York Times 11/05/01
Access to documents from afar, securely

by Chris Gaither