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RAIN 11/13: Investigating Milton, Veterans' Memories, student records

There are 20 stories in this posting.

Business Day 11/12/01
New act on information could lead to legal action

by Jean Eaglesham
Employers face a flood of requests for access to staff data files as workers gain new rights to inspect comments made about them in e-mail messages and nonelectronic files, lawyers have warned.

AMNews 11/12/01
Major connection: Hospital links physician to online clinical information

by Tyler Chin
Today, physicians with admitting privileges at Major Hospital in Shelbyville, Ind., can remotely access patient records stored in the hospital's information system from their home or office as long as they install certain software on their computers.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution 11/11/01
NETWATCHER: Once-secret government files put new spin on history

The government continues to hide information from the public, but like any secret, it eventually comes out, like the 1991 PBS "Frontline" documentary that outlined evidence suggesting the Reagan campaign worked to delay the release of the Iranian hostages until he became president. It's just that by the time the public finds out, often years have passed, diminishing the outrage factor and allowing politicians to get airports and highways named after them.

Washington Post 11/12/01
Audit finds INS mismanaged $31 million automated project

by Cheryl W. Thompson
Immigration and Naturalization Service officials mismanaged a $31 million project aimed at automating a system that monitors the entry and exit of foreign visitors and determines the number of overstays, according to a government audit.
The review by the Justice Department's inspector general also found that during the past five years, INS officials have delayed completion dates of automation projects without explanation and increased the costs of projects "with no justification for how the funds are spent.

Boston Globe 11/12/01
State says Yankee sale documents should be opened

Associated Press
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) The Dean administration says it wants secret documents filed in connection with the pending sale of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant to be opened to public scrutiny.
The Public Service Department is siding with several anti-nuclear groups, which are urging regulators to open the sale to full public scrutiny.

Cincinnati Post 11/12/01
Editorial: Retroactive Secrecy

To its credit, a bipartisan group of lawmakers has called on President Bush to rescind an executive order that will greatly restrict access to documents housed in presidential libraries.

Arizona Republic 11/12/01
Feds look at private student records

by Dennis Wagner
Federal investigators in pursuit of terrorist leads have obtained previously sacrosanct student records from Arizona colleges and universities despite a federal law designed to protect student privacy.

Florida Today 11/12/01
Smart cards could improve airline security

by Owen Garriott
A major concern for in-flight safety, little discussed in the last few weeks, is the accurate identification of everyone on the passenger manifest.

Houston Chronicle 11/12/01
'Paperless Office' a step closer with FormScape DocsOnline

FormScape, a provider of software to help companies customize, distribute and manage business documents announces the newest version of FormScape DocsOnline, version 1.1.
The product enables easy and secure access to extract electronic versions of original documents generated by disparate computer systems.

New York Times 11/12/01
In sweeping campus canvasses, U.S. checks on Mideast students

by Jacques Steinberg
In the two months since the attacks of Sept. 11, federal investigators have contacted administrators on more than 200 college campuses to collect information about students from Middle Eastern countries, the most sweeping canvass of the halls of academia since the cold war, the colleges say.

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel 11/12/01
Balistrieri daughter seeks many decades of brothers' records

by Tom Kertscher
The family feud over the late reputed crime boss Frank Balistrieri could heat up with the latest court action by his daughter, who believes her two brothers cheated her out of her fair share of their father's estate.

National Post 11/12/01
IBM groups will target privacy protection

by Mark Evans
Financial Post
Driven by the demand from corporate clients for better ways to protect and manage information, International Business Machines Corp. is announcing today the creation of two groups focused on the development of new privacy technology.

Tampa Bay Business Journal 11/12/01
New technology moves into courtroom

by Jane Meinhardt
ST. PETERSBURG -- Boring a jury is easy with trial presentations using blown-up photographs and exhibits on poster board.
These and other archaic methods of arguing cases in court sent Dan R. Walbolt Jr., president of Best Evidence Inc., searching for a better way to serve lawyers who hire his St. Petersburg litigation support firm.

Richmond Times Dispatch 11/12/01
Paradise disturbed: Professor studies Milton desecration

by Jamie C. Ruff
DANVILLE Carol Barton walked into a classic whodunit - a tale of intrigue, a horrendous crime, a media scandal and eventually a cover-up concerning one of England's most renowned residents.
In uncovering it all, Barton, an Averett University English professor, conducted an investigation that would have warmed the heart of the legendary, albeit fictional, detective Sherlock Holmes.

Washington Post 11/11/01
Project establishes vault for veterans' memories

by Monte Reel
The little black tape recorder whirs quietly on the table, capturing the inflections that rise and fall with Lorraine Dieterle's emotions as she tells her stories of World War II.
She was a 20-year-old freelance photographer when she enlisted with the Coast Guard in 1944. A chuckle bubbles up as she recalls sitting on an airplane with her legs dangling from a hatch, camera pointed down to help document the war effort on film.

USA Today 11/11/01
Protect sensitive documents

by Alberto R. Gonzales
President Bush's recent executive order establishes sensible procedures for making public the records of former presidents. The order fulfills the president's statutory obligation to implement the Presidential Records Act, as well as his obligations under a 1977 Supreme Court ruling that held that former presidents continue to have the right to assert privileges over their records even after their term has ended.

Scoop 11/11/01
Press Release: Ethical system needed for patient records

Green Party
Green Women's Affairs spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today that the medical profession should sort out ethical arrangements to deal with patient records in the event that a doctor is struck off the medical register.

San Diego Union-Tribune 11/12/01
INS seeks data on foreign students from local colleges

by Marisa Taylor
Immigration officials recently asked several universities and colleges in the county for information about certain foreign students with the aim of improving a criticized student visa program.
San Diego State University officials provided immigration special agents with records last week for about 150 foreign students from several countries, including those in the Middle East.

KPIX 11/09/01
New Web tool hunts for terrorists online

by Sue Kwon
Tracing the actions of terrorists can be as futile and frustrating as looking for needles in a haystack.
But now, investigators have discovered a high-tech tool that can help. It's computer software, created by a Mountain View company called Stratify, and it acts as a magnet for finding clues on the Internet.

Associated Press 11/12/01
Voices from wars bygone to live on

by Diane Scarponi
MYSTIC, Conn. (AP) - James W. Graham remembers his U.S. Navy (news - web sites) service not as a fight against the Japanese or Germans, but as a fight for black sailors trying to make it in a white Navy.
Ethel Mary McGinn recalls that her service in the WAVES taught her compassion for others that would remain with her throughout her life.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va