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Newsbytes 11/15/01
Enmail to offer CRM services

Computer Today
New Delhi, India -
Chennai-based Enmail.com, an Intel portfolio firm that specializes in=20
providing outsourced messaging services for businesses, will introduce=20
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology to enable efficient=20
management of all customer-related information in an organization.=20

Washington Post 11/16/01
Logging On: Making a mess of the message

by Rob Pegoraro
E-mail was once adventurous and chancy, paper mail boring and predictable.=20
Lately, those descriptions have gotten switched around -- electronic message=
continue to arrive as usual, while things sent through the Postal Service ma=
not show up for days or ever.

Korean Herald 11/17/01
Documents shed light on riddle, explain diplomat's role in history

Diplomatic documents, made public Friday by a Seoul National University=20
professor, support assertions that a diplomat from Korea's old monarchy=20
engaged with the British government in the early 1900s to maintain his=20
country's sovereignty.=20

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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Courier New" LANG=3D"0">There are 23 stories in this posting
<BR>Ozaukee-Washington Daily News 11/15/01
<BR>56 years late, area veteran gets Distinguished Flying Cross
<BR>by Laurie Arendt
<BR>GRAFTON - Anyone who has ever served in the military knows that a large=20=
part of service is "hurry up and wait." But a wait of nearly 56 years is exc=
essive, even by military standards.
<BR>The Advertiser 11/16/01
<BR>Radio network crisis strategy 'a disaster'
<BR>by Susie O'Brien
<BR>THE State Government is under fire over a plan for managing information=20=
flows if the Government Radio Network collapses.=20
<BR>The leaked documents include pre-written media releases stressing the su=
ccess of the network.=20
<BR>BBC News 11/16/01
<BR>Lord of the Rings archive for sale
<BR>A rare collection of proof copies, first editions and letters by The Lor=
d of the Rings author JRR Tolkien is to be sold in London on Friday.=20
<BR>The archive, which chronicles the development of Tolkien's best-selling=20=
creation, is expected to fetch around =A335,000 at Christie's.=20
<BR>Boston Globe 11/15/01
<BR>Today's news is tomorrow's history
<BR>by Alex Beam
<BR>Two weeks ago, the History Channel broadcast part of a series on 18th-ce=
ntury England, featuring Columbia University historian Simon Schama. This we=
ek, it is promoting shows about Sept. 11. What's next? How about a televisio=
n station that broadcasts 24-hour-old news, or perhaps the PastCam, an onlin=
e video archive of events that took place 20 minutes ago
<BR>Boston Globe 11/16/01
<BR>Shackleton's trip: a new look at the Antarctic adventure
<BR>by Loren King
<BR>Calling it one of the greatest survival stories in modern history is an=20=
understatement. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton's expedition to the Antarctic in=
 1914 famously failed to reach its destination. But it succeeded, and has gr=
own in importance, as a story of leadership and remarkable tenacity.=20
<BR>Orange County Register 11/16/01
<BR>Pictures worth a thousand words
<BR>by Henry Sheehan
<BR>In October 1916, in the Weddell Sea off Antarctica, the Endurance, the w=
ooden sailing ship commanded by the explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, had lain=
 icebound for 10 months. Now, with the coming of the southern summer, the ic=
e was breaking up and tearing apart the beams of the ship.=20
<BR>As his crewmates scurried about saving supplies, Australian photographer=
 Frank Hurley went below deck to his laboratory, only to find it awash in se=
awater. Stripping to the waste, he plunged into the Antarctic waters and res=
cued several cans of negatives, both of still shots and of 35 mm movie film.=
<BR>Christian Science Monitor 11/16/01
<BR>Undercutting History
<BR>by Daniel Schorr
<BR>WASHINGTON - Michael Beschloss'S new book, "Reaching for Glory," based o=
n White House tapes and records, reveals the depths of depression into which=
 President Johnson sank as he privately concluded that the Vietnam War was u=
nwinnable. Richard Reeves's new book, "President Nixon," drawing on document=
s and diaries from the Nixon White House, fills out the picture of this torm=
ented, paranoid man who was driven from office.=20
<BR>Computerworld New Zealand 11/16/01
<BR>Data recovery a growing industry
<BR>by David Watson
<BR>Computer forensics is growing in importance to business, say two Aucklan=
d practitioners.
<BR>As well as commercial clients seeking the retrieval of lost data, the le=
gal profession is making increasing use of data recovery techniques, says Br=
ian Eardley-Wilmot, managing director of Auckland data recovery company Comp=
uter Forensics Ltd.
<BR>Computer World New Zealand 11/16/01
<BR>Notebook data wiped
<BR>by David Watson
<BR>Corporates appear to be becoming more diligent about wiping sensitive co=
mpany data from their PCs.
<BR>When Computerworld handed over three used PCs to Computer Forensics in S=
eptember last year to check, the Auckland data recovery company retrieved al=
l sorts of data that shouldn't have still been there.=20
<BR>Computerworld New Zealand 11/16/01
<BR>Seeds database will help genetic engineers
<BR>by Andrea Malcolm
<BR>A Waikato software company is offering an online service which will help=
 subscribers track trials of genetically modified plants throughout the worl=
<BR>Cambridge-based developer Xenacom is about to trial its web-based hosted=
 database service, Xen-Agri, with more than 30 international seed companies.
<BR>Fayetteville Online 11/14/01
<BR>What's in your permanent records?
<BR>by Jim Washington
<BR>Probably since education began with cavemen teaching their kids to scraw=
l buffaloes on cave walls, teachers have chilled students with the dire warn=
ing "this will go down on your permanent record.''=20
<BR>The idea that students' misdeeds follow them throughout their school car=
eer, college and possibly into future life is a powerful tool.=20
<BR>But is it true? Not exactly.=20
<BR>Reuters 11/15/01
<BR>Rare Tolkien collection up for sale
<BR>LONDON (Reuters) - A comprehensive collection of proof copies, first edi=
tions and letters by author J.R.R. Tolkien comes under the hammer in London=20=
today, auction house Christie's has said.=20
<BR>The archive, which chronicles the development of Tolkien's best-selling=20=
fantasy "The Lord of the Rings," is expected to fetch up to $50,000, Christi=
e's said in a statement.=20
<BR>The documents are from the collection of Tolkien's friend George Sayer.=20
<BR>Burlington County Times 11/16/01
<BR>DMV is enforcing tougher rules
<BR>by Danielle Delfin
<BR>In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, some motorists trying to=20=
get their state driving licenses renewed this week have run into a roadblock=
 at area Division of Motor Vehicle offices.=20
<BR>Those drivers have been told they need additional documentation to renew=
 their licenses, many of which expire at the end of the month.=20
<BR>Yankton Daily Press &amp; Dakotan
<BR>Court says parole records can be reviewed
<BR>by Joe Kafka
<BR>PIERRE -- Probation records are generally confidential but may be disclo=
sed by judges in civil lawsuits, the state Supreme Court ruled 4-1 Thursday.=
<BR>New York Times 11/16/01
<BR>Beatles interview sells in auction
<BR>NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- A six-minute recording of a Beatles interv=
iew -- bought for $5 at a flea market -- sold for $10,400 at an online aucti=
<BR>New York Times 11/16/01
<BR>Ex-Christie's executive admits cover-up of price-fixing
<BR>by Ralph Blumenthal
<BR>The former auction house executive who testified this week that the chai=
rman of Sotheby's was behind a giant price-fixing scandal admitted under cro=
ss-examination yesterday that he had long helped cover up the scheme by fals=
ely denying its existence to investigators, investors, company directors and=
<BR>New York Times 11/02/01
<BR>Ruling sets stage for e-mail trial
<BR>by Carl S. Kaplan
<BR>Earlier this week the United States Supreme Court declined to review a S=
eattle case involving a state's ability to enforce its own Internet law in b=
orderless cyberspace.=20
<BR>New York Times 11/16/01
<BR>Was the French ruling on Yahoo such a victory after all?
<BR>by Carl S. Kaplan
<BR>A federal court decision last week was cheered by Internet companies and=
 civil liberties groups as a victory for free expression, but some legal exp=
erts are speculating that, in reality, little has changed.=20
<BR>New York Times 11/16/01
<BR>Commentary: Writing history to executive order
<BR>by Richard Reeves
<BR>WASHINGTON -- With a stroke of the pen on Nov. 1, President Bush stabbed=
 history in the back and blocked Americans' right to know how presidents (an=
d vice presidents) have made decisions. Executive Order 13223 ended more tha=
n 30 years of increasing openness in government.
<BR>Sydney Morning Herald 11/16/01
<BR>Ten reasons to love a librarian
<BR>From Dickens's travelling corkscrew to Mozart's final notes, an eclectic=
 new exhibition proves the inextricable link between libraries and the histo=
ry of the written word, writes Steve Meacham.=20
<BR>Newsbytes 11/15/01
<BR>Enmail to offer CRM services
<BR>Computer Today
<BR>New Delhi, India -
<BR>Chennai-based Enmail.com, an Intel portfolio firm that specializes in pr=
oviding outsourced messaging services for businesses, will introduce Custome=
r Relationship Management (CRM) technology to enable efficient management of=
 all customer-related information in an organization.=20
<BR>Washington Post 11/16/01
<BR>Logging On: Making a mess of the message
<BR>by Rob Pegoraro
<BR>E-mail was once adventurous and chancy, paper mail boring and predictabl=
e. Lately, those descriptions have gotten switched around -- electronic mess=
ages continue to arrive as usual, while things sent through the Postal Servi=
ce may not show up for days or ever.
<BR>Korean Herald 11/17/01
<BR>Documents shed light on riddle, explain diplomat's role in history
<BR>Diplomatic documents, made public Friday by a Seoul National University=20=
professor, support assertions that a diplomat from Korea's old monarchy enga=
ged with the British government in the early 1900s to maintain his country's=
<BR>Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
<BR>Richmond, Va</FONT></HTML>


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