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Referee Reports

Hi all.
Well, this must be the season for referee reports, because I'm getting one query after another from individuals who want to donate the referee reports they've written on other people's work to our archive.
I have always seen such things as super-confidential since most referee reports are done (or at least in my experience have been done) anonymously.  Regardless of whether the paper has been published or not, I won't know who the individual is and thus researchers (even if they were allowed to view the material) wouldn't know who to go to for copyright or permission to cite. 
What a Pandora's Box!  There's a whole host of problems--I won't even begin to expand on them at this point.
Does anyone else have experience with this dilemma?  I'd like to hear your points of view.

Susan Hamson

Othmer Library of Chemical History
Chemical Heritage Foundation
315 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA  19106-2702

Voice: 215-925-2222
Fax: 215-925-6195

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