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RAIN: Weekly Update 12/25

There are 5 stories in this posting.

Washington Post 12/19/01
Farm subsidy Web site sows discord

by John Lancaster
Suppose you could go to a Web site, type in the names of co-workers -- or maybe your boss -- and find out how much money they make. Be honest -- you would. And farmers, it seems, are no less curious than the rest of us.

Washington Post 12/19/01
Next: an ID chip planted in your body?

by Robert O'Harrow Jr.
A New Jersey surgeon has embedded under his skin tiny computer chips that can automatically transmit personal information to a scanner, a technology that his employer hopes will someday be widely used as a way to identify people.

Naples Daily News 12/25/01
Open government watchdog kept busy after Sept.11 attacks

by Brendan Farrington
TALLAHASSEE - Though not as high profile or appreciated as the role firefighters, police and the military have played since the Sept. 11 attacks, the events that day created a lot of work and worry for the First Amendment Foundation.

New York Times 12/25/01
Trying to keep young Internet users from a life of piracy

by John Schwartz
When law enforcement agents seized 129 computers in 27 cities recently in a coordinated assault on online piracy, they focused much of their effort on colleges like Duke, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Los Angeles.
They were probably too late.

Saint Petersburg Times 12/25/01
Michelin plays hard to get with its documents

by Collins Corner
Among car owners, Michelin has a reputation for making excellent tires. Among plaintiffs' attorneys, Michelin is known for something else:
Delay, evasion and deceit.
Consider three examples from lawsuits filed over bad tires:

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va