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RAIN: Weekly Update 12/28

There are 17 stories in this posting.

The Hollywood Reporter 12/28/01
Big push for small-town films

by Brooks Boliek
WASHINGTON (The Hollywood Reporter) --- The motion picture industry might be dominated by the urban sophistication of New York and Los Angeles, but that doesn't mean that small-town America has been forgotten by film historians -- a pair of movies selected for inclusion in the National Film Registry this year are careful examinations of the countryside.

Environment News Service 12/21/01
USDA sued over elephant abuse documents

by Cat Lazaroff
WASHINGTON, DC, December 21, 2001 (ENS) - Three animal protection groups have filed suit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture seeking information about how much the agency knew, and when, regarding the mistreatment of elephants at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus. The lawsuit comes as famous circus trainer Mark Oliver Gebel faces a criminal trial for elephant abuse in San Jose, California.

Information Week 12/24/01
Social Security to secure data
Agency will encrypt, authenticate, and authorize to protect medical data

by George V. Hulme
Like other government agencies, the Social Security Administration is attempting to convert reams of paper documents into electronic files. But much of that data consists of sensitive medical information.

Florida Times-Union 12/28/01
Editorial: Shutting out the public

It had to increase public cynicism when a federal judge ruled the Democratic Party could hide details of an influence-for-money deal that it had worked out with the AFL-CIO.
The Federal Election Commission discovered the scheme, which it said gave union bosses "apparent veto power" over campaign strategies in exchange for donations. The commission routinely releases documents from closed cases and, according to Fox News, it had planned to let the public see 36,000 pages of evidence from this one.

The Hollywood Reporter 12/19/01
National Registry saving animals

by Brooks Boliek
WASHINGTON (The Hollywood Reporter) --- The big shark, Bluto and the "damned apes," unique symbols of American iconography, are all guaranteed a place forever as "Jaws," "Planet of the Apes" and "National Lampoon's Animal House" were among the 25 films selected Tuesday for inclusion in the National Film Registry.

New Zealand Herald 12/28/01
Dodson 'ordered shredding'

by Francesca Mold
Army chief Maurice Dodson ordered the destruction of papers belonging to his predecessor and friend Major-General Piers Reid as well as a controversial public relations strategy, says a newly released report.
The Defence Force's preliminary report into the shredding of documents was released by Act MP Rodney Hide yesterday after he obtained it under the Official Information Act.

New Zealand Herald 12/28/01
Mormon proposal upsets Maori spokesman

Wellington Maori are fuming that a proposal which they say could have led to their ancestors being posthumously baptised into the Mormon church was ever considered.
Wellington Tenths Trust managing trustee Peter Love condemned both the proposed fee increases for birth and marriage certificates and a ditched plan to preserve them.

Palm Beach Post 12/28/01
AG: Red Sox withholding documents

by John McElhenny
BOSTON (AP)--The owners of the Boston Red Sox refused to turn over documents detailing offers made to buy the team.
State Attorney General Tom Reilly would not say Thursday if he will subpoena the bids, but he said the team owners' refusal raises questions about why they sold the team for a reported $90 million less than the highest bid.

Washington Post 12/28/01
Letter: President Bush: The Gubernatorial Papers

As President Bush's personal attorney, I write in response to Steven Hensen's Dec. 16 Outlook article regarding President Bush's Texas gubernatorial papers. Mr. Hensen alleged that Gov. Bush's administration acted inappropriately by providing his official gubernatorial records to the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M, rather than to the Texas State Library and Archives.

STUFF 12/28/01
Army boss ordered shredding

by Richard Trow
Army chief Major-General Maurice Dodson ordered swathes of "embarrassing" documents to be destroyed in the second half of this year, a defence report says.
The report of a Defence Force investigation into document shredding was written in September and issued yesterday under the Official Information Act.

Dallas Morning News 12/28/01
Papers forthcoming in public utility case

by Pete Slover
AUSTIN - Gov. Rick Perry's staff said Thursday that on Friday, they will make public all remaining documents concerning the appointment of Max Yzaguirre, chairman of the Public Utility Commission and an alumnus of collapsed energy giant Enron.

The Industry Standard 12/21/01
Dirty data

by Mitch Betts
There are many ways that a supplier named IBM could be entered into a supply chain database: IBM Corp., I.B.M. Corporation, International Business Machines Corp. or a host of other variations.
Any one of those monikers might work well enough for a specific transaction. But if a company wants to see how much business it's doing with IBM overall, the name variations become a problem. The company might be doing US$100 million worth of business with IBM, yet a database query might show only $20 million, depending on which name is used in the query.

The News 12/28/01
Modern-day scribes still eek out living in city plaza

by Reed Lindsay
It has been five years since Hipolito Ortiz wrote a love letter.
Gone are the days when the passionate and brokenhearted frequented the colonnade flanking Mexico City's Santo Domingo Plaza in search of a scribe to transform their emotions into moving prose.

Salt Lake Tribune 12/28/01
Media organizations seek to unseal documents

Four Utah news media organizations have joined in an effort to unseal documents produced during a court battle over ownership of Utah's largest newspaper.
James E. Shelledy, editor of The Salt Lake Tribune, and The Salt Lake City Weekly, KUTV and KTVX-TV on Thursday filed a request to intervene in the federal lawsuit, contending the public has a constitutional right to see the secret documents and to attend a closed Jan. 3 court hearing about the sealings.

Salt Lake Tribune 12/28/01
Tooele incinerator: violation records authentic

by Brent Israelsen
With test burns set to begin at a new chemical-weapons incinerator in Alabama, a watchdog group is criticizing the Army for its safety and public credibility records at its 5-year-old Utah incinerator.
For evidence, the Kentucky-based Chemical Weapons Working Group points to a year-old settlement the Army's contractor reached with an employee who leaked documents to the group about safety problems at the facility.

Tri-Valley Herald 12/28/01
Woman advocates paperless businesses

by Inga Miller
SAN RAMON -- In a half-vacant office off a scenic stretch of Crow Canyon Road, Sharon Kayfetz is quietly leading a campaign to create a new way for the world to go about its business -- a method she hopes eventually will do away with her 750-square-foot space altogether.
Call it minimalism, or environmentalism. Kayfetz sees her vision of a paperless world as an ideal all of its own.

Vladivostok News 12/28/01
Russian secret police archive released

by Alexander Kartashov
Soviet history may have to be rewritten now that the Russian secret police headquarters has released the archives of Stalin's secret agents into the public domain.
Russia's NTV said the three-volume collection of unabridged documents stored at the Lubyanka spy HQ contains "sensational material on abuses of power at the highest levels".

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va