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RAIN 01/21: Andersen update Part 2

Due to the large number of stories about Arthur Andersen and the records shredding at Enron I have put them all together into several postings. There are 11 in this posting.

Washington Post 01/15/02
Andersen's policy was to destroy audit papers

by David S. Hilzenrath
At the Arthur Andersen accounting firm, destroying records related to the company's audit work was a matter of policy.
Statements released by the firm yesterday said that "only essential information" should be kept and called for early drafts of documents to be "destroyed currently." As a general rule, Andersen policy said auditors' working papers should be kept for six years.

New York Times 01/15/02
Firm releases messages on handling documents

by David Cay Johnston
Arthur Andersen released a set of internal communications last night as it sought to explain the role of one of its lawyers in the destruction of thousands of documents by the firm's auditors at Enron (news/quote) just four days before the energy trading company announced a huge reduction in its net worth in October.

Financial Times 01/15/02
Enron papers destroyed after SEC probe began

by Adrian Michaels in New York
Andersen on Tuesday admitted its staff appeared to have shredded and deleted Enron documents after receiving a subpoena from regulators, the first strong sign that there may have been criminal activity linked to the demise of the US energy trader.

Bergen Record 01/16/02
Accounting firm admits destroying Enron data

by James Kuhnhenn
WASHINGTON -- Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm that signed off on Enron Corp.'s questionable bookkeeping practices, said Tuesday that its auditors deleted e-mails and destroyed Enron documents in the fall shortly after wary federal regulators had requested financial data about the sinking energy company.

New York Times 01/16/02
Analysis: Questions keep coming for Andersen and Enron

by Floyd Norris
Arthur Andersen tried yesterday to salvage its reputation by firing a partner who it said had directed the destruction of Enron (news/quote) documents. But the actions it said the partner took have left Andersen facing the likelihood of criminal investigations even as it tries to reassure the public, and its clients, that its audits can be trusted.

New York Times 01/16/02
Arthur Andersen fires an executive for Enron orders

by Richard A. Oppel Jr. with Kurt Eichenwald
Washington, Jan. 15 - Arthur Andersen fired its partner in charge of auditing the Enron Corporation (news/quote) today, saying he had ordered the destruction of thousands of documents and e-mail messages after learning that the Securities and Exchange Commission had begun an investigation of Enron's accounting.

Associated Press 01/16/02
Computer sleuths seek Enron e-mails

by D. Ian Hopper
AP Technology Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The job of recovering the missing Enron Corp. (NYSE:ENE - news) accounting documents is falling to computer sleuths whose work can foil the casual use of the delete button.
They've been called on before in high-profile cases, looking for suspected spy transmissions and missing Clinton White House e-mails.
And now they'll be asked to recover documents from the computers of Arthur Andersen LLP, which acknowledges its employees destroyed thousands of e-mails and paper documents about Enron.

Chicago Tribune 01/16/02
Key Enron auditor to be fired

by Delroy Alexander and Robert Manor
The Andersen accounting firm said Tuesday that it would fire the partner in charge of auditing Enron Corp.'s books because he had ordered the rushed destruction of records after learning that federal regulators wanted to see them.

Houston Chronicle 01/16/02
Andersen fires Enron auditor

by Julie Mason
WASHINGTON -- The Arthur Andersen accounting firm is firing partner David Duncan, lead auditor of Enron Corp., saying he ordered a massive destruction of documents after the Securities and Exchange Commission began investigating Enron's books.

The Times 01/16/02
Andersen to dismiss Enron lead partner

from Chris Ayres in New York
ANDERSEN, the US accounting firm facing huge legal claims over its work for Enron, said yesterday it would dismiss the lead partner responsible for auditing the collapsed energy group's books.
Andersen has admitted that it destroyed key documents related to its work for Enron, which collapsed last year after hiding billions of dollars of debt from investors.

Wall Street Journal 01/16/02
Andersen fires partner it says led shredding of documents

by Ken Brown, Greg Hitt, Steve Liesman and Jonathan Weil
Capping a series of stunning disclosures, Arthur Andersen LLP fired a partner it charged with directing the hurried destruction of thousands of e-mails and paper documents related to its audit of troubled Enron Corp., declaring that he acted after learning that federal regulators were probing the energy giant's finances.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va