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Re: A solution to our image problems!?

Title: RE: A solution to our image problems!?

(With apologies to Michael T.)

Okaaaaay. So how would this constitute (heheh, pun intended!) a "scandal" that would provide an opportunity to yield a solution to our "image problem" (and when I first saw this  thread, I thought we were talking about well, YOU know...click, click, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)

How's this sound:
Is there any truth to the rumor that VP Cheney is claiming Executive Privilege to oppose releasing papers concerning the meetings that led to the development of his energy policy. This is, of course, simply a delaying tactic until he can (in private, of course) consult with his top advisors, including Nicholson Baker, about the best way to microfilm said documents before sending them out for review by Arthur Anderson, who will assume responsibility for the destruction of said documents.

Feeling a tad OD'd with all the RAIN already this week here in Houston (we have a problem?),

Dennis "We don' need no stinking shredders" Moser