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RAIN 02/03: Weekly Update 01/30 Part 2: Bush/Cheney records

There are 4 stories in this posting.

Mother Jones 01/29/02
Restricted Access
Why are journalists' requests for
George W. Bush's gubernatorial documents being met
with lengthy delays?

by George Sanchez
Dozens of pallets loaded with shrink-wrapped boxes arrived at the
George Herbert Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas
on January 2nd, 2001. Inside the boxes were about 2,000 cubicfeet
of files, memos and other paper documents related to George
W. Bush's five years as governor of Texas.
The records arrived at the library as the result of a 1997 state
measure signed into law by then-Governor Bush. Now, the records
and access to them -- have become the focus of a growing debate
between journalists, archivists and Bush administration officials.

Associated Press 01/30/02
GAO Decides to Sue White House

By JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - The General Accounting Office has decided to sue
the White House for access to documents from President Bush's energy task
force, a congressional source told The Associated Press Wednesday.

Washington Post 01/30/02
Familiar Issues Underlie GAO-White House Dispute

by Charles Lane
A presidential task force meets behind closed doors to hash out new policy on
one of the country's most pressing issues. Citizen organizations and members of Congress demand to know what's going on. The White House refuses, citing the president's need for unvarnished confidential advice.

Detroit Free Press 01/30/02
Bush holds tight to records

by Sonya Ross
WASHINGTON -- The White House, resisting congressional efforts to learn which business
executives met with President George W. Bush about energy policy, accused investigators Tuesday of overstepping their legal authority in pursuit of the information.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said Bush and his aides cannot accommodate even an amended request from the General Accounting Office, seeking dates of meetings, participants and meeting topics.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va