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RAIN 0210 Weekly Update: Security (5)

Government Computer News 02/04/02
New world order pits security against Web

National Review 02/05/02
You’ve Got Identity
Why a national id is a bad idea.

Electronic Frontier Foundation 02/06/02
Security Researchers Drop Scientific Censorship Case

Orlando Sentinel 02/06/02
Drivers license changes seem too extreme

by Maria T. Padilla
It seemed like a good idea at first, and it still may be. But
the transition from law to putting it into practice leaves
something to be desired.
The idea deals with the tightening of Florida's drivers license requirements. After Sept. 11, we learned that some
of the terrorists had state drivers licenses even though their visas had expired. It became abundantly clear that a
change was necessary.

Salon.com 02/04/02
The encrypted jihad
We can't stop terrorists from using uncrackable codes. So we shouldn't even try.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va