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Re: The Miscellaneous Box!

Title: The Miscellaneous Box!
-----Original Message-----
From: Betsy Pittman [mailto:Betsy.Pittman@uconn.edu]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 10:13 AM
To: 'Nancy Iannucci'
Subject: RE: The Miscellaneous Box!

As anyone who knows me will tell you--it's a pet peeve.  I'll call it anything else--unidenfied, ephemera, etc.  but it's something--reports, correspondence, notes, telephone messages from your mother--what have you--that at least will tell the researcher something which miscellaneous won't!  And if you don't know what it is or how it relates to the collection, should it be there?
I know this doesn't help, but so far I've avoided having anything with "miscellaneous" appear with anything that I've done.  And if it shows up in something that predates me, it's an indication that the collection needs to be reviewed.
Good luck!

Betsy Pittman
University Archivist
Curator for Politics,
 Public Affairs and CT History
Archives and Special Collections
Thomas J. Dodd Research Center
University of Connecticut
405 Babbidge Road Unit 1205
Storrs, CT 06269-1205

Voice (860) 486-4507
FAX (860) 486-4521

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Iannucci [mailto:niannucc@EMMA.TROY.NY.US]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: The Miscellaneous Box!

Hello All,

As I am going though a particular collection and arranging series sets...I know that I am going to end up with a box labelled as "Miscellaneous."  I don't know if any one else out there feel this way but I HATE miscellaneous boxes.  Sometimes these boxes are a must have, no other alternative, or a necessary disease!  Unless...there is someone out there who has a wonderful suggestion--or feels the same way that I do and has come up with something in order to avoid one of these "grab bag" of boxes!

Thanks for your time with this question.

Nancy Iannucci
Emma Willard School Archives