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RAIN 02/16 Weekly Update: Crimes, Destruction, Records Mgmt, Privacy (20)

The big news for this section was the Internet provider Comcast had been tracking the internet surfing of their subscribers.

BBC 2/10/02
AIB dealer 'falsified documents'

New York Times 2/12/02
U.S. Backing for Guidelines on Fighting Cybercrime
The first guidelines for responding to attacks on computer systems to be endorsed by both the F.B.I. and the Secret Service, the main Federal agencies fighting such crimes, were published yesterday.

The Hamilton Spectator (CA) 2/13/02
Raid on Hamilton lab targets water, drug tests
Bill Dunphy, Eric McGuinness and Joan Walters
The Hamilton Spectator
A massive police raid at a Hamilton laboratory over allegations of forged test results has sent shockwaves through Canada's pharmaceutical industry and raised the disturbing possibility that environmental time bombs are ticking away in municipal landfills and water supplies.

The Guardian 2/15/02
BBC loses papers on Falklands drama
Author of controversial 'pro-Thatcher' play, shelved in 1986,says missing file on internal debate may have been destroyed
Matt Wells, media correspondent

Crucial documents relating to the internal wrangling at the BBC over
Ian Curteis's untransmitted play about the Falklands conflict have
been lost and possibly destroyed, according to the writer.

New York Daily News
Opinion: Shredders in Demand
by Lenore Skenazy

Remember when crime investigators used to hunt for a shred of evidence?
Now they hunt for evidence of a shred.
The still-warm shredder has become the smoking gun of white-collar crime. A desk with a shredder next to the pen set looks about as innocent as a pantry with a box of rat
poison next to the pancake mix.

Goupstate.com 2/10/02
Business partners find success in shredding
By Jeff Romig
When John Bauknight and Nick Wildrick spent their summers together in the late 1970s at camp in Brevard, N.C., they never thought they’d end up walking through life together. They never thought they’d enroll at the same college — Wofford. They never thought  they’d join the same fraternity — Sigma Alpha Epsilon. They never thought they’d marry a set of sisters from Converse College — Bauknight married Laura Chappell and Wildrick married her younger sister, Cile. And they certainly never thought they’d be partners in a successful shredding business.

Knowledge@Wharton 2/13/02
Valuing the Invisible: How to Manage Bankruptcies of Knowledge-based Companies

The Express-Times 2/11/02
Blizzard of paper piling up
Northampton County seeks solutions to space-eating crunch of records
EASTON - Northampton County offices are crammed full of documents. Unused nooks in every corner of the government center teem with official records, old notes and tape recordings.

Boston Globe 2/12/02
Bill would help state keep better historical records
By Associated Press, 2/12/2002 14:22
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) Vermont collects and preserves fewer state records than any other state, according to Secretary of State Deborah Markowitz.

WashTech.com 2/13/02
Lawmaker Questions Comcast's Web Tracking
By Ted Bridis,
AP Technology Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) … Rep. Ed Markey, an aggressive privacy advocate in Congress, pressed
the top executive at Comcast Corp. on Wednesday over the company's decision to begin
recording the Web browsing activities of each of its 1 million high-speed Internet subscribers.


CNET 2/13/02
Comcast privacy move its latest woe
By Stefanie Olsen and Rachel Konrad
Staff Writers, CNET News.com
February 13, 2002, 12:35 PM PT
update Comcast's decision under fire Wednesday to stop storing Web users' data is only the latest dust-up for the cable company that's struggling to move customers onto its new Network after the Excite@Home bankruptcy.

NewsFactor 2/13/02
Update: Comcast Promises To Quit Snooping on Customers
By Tim McDonald and Philip Ben-David
NewsFactor Network

New York Times 02/14/02
Comcast Says It Will Stop Storing Data
Facing criticism from a member of Congress and privacy advocacy groups, the Comcast Corporation (news/quote) said today that it would no longer store data that would enable it to track individual subscribers' Internet surfing habits.

Debunking the Privacy Myth
No longer a B2C issue, privacy is rearing its head at the enterprise level
by Anne Wallace
Tuesday, February 12, 2002

DMVs Pushing for Standard License
By Declan McCullagh
2:00 a.m. Feb. 15, 2002 PST
WASHINGTON -- Your driver's license soon may become a lot smarter, and a lot more worrisome.
State motor vehicle agencies want Congress to standardize the license, share more driver data between states and mandate techniques such as biometrics to "uniquely identify" each of America's 228 million drivers.

Daytona Beach Journal-News 2/15/02
Senate indicates approval of identification technology
By LAURA ZUCKERMAN (laura.zuckerman@news-jrnl.com)
Staff Writer
TALLAHASSEE -- A measure that would authorize the state highway agency to use technology that tracks physical characteristics to identify drivers license applicants was introduced in the Senate Thursday.

Sydney Morning Herald 2/15/02
Lawmakers close in on gene information thieves

Honolulu Star-Bulletin 02/11/02
HMSA policy riles doctors
Some physicians say a provision in a form to renew credentials threatens medical privacy
By Helen Altonn

Associated Press 2/11/02
Qwest Argues for Limit to Privacy
Mon Feb 11, 7:37 PM ET
DENVER (AP) - Qwest Communications International has scrapped plans to share customer information among its divisions, but says in federal documents privacy is not an absolute customer right.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va