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NAGARA Clearinghouse Spring Issue - Reminder

The following announcement was posted to multiple lists.

Just a reminder that it's not too late to include your news in the NAGARA Clearinghouse spring issue! 
If you did not receive my confirmation or haven't sent your news, please contact me.
Also, please note that as of last week, my contact information is new.  Related to the change, on Mon. 2/11 and Tues. 2/12, some of you may have received an undeliverable message when you attempted to e-mail me.  The problem was fixed and my e-mail is now operational.
As always, thank you for your contributions!
Stacie Byas
NAGARA Clearinghouse
c/o NARA, Mid-Atlantic Region
900 Market St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 597-9770
f. (215) 597-2303
NAGARA Home Page