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RAIN 03/03 Weekly Update: Technology Part 1 (17)

Government Computer News 02/22/02
Printer-Friendly Version DOD office finds e-mail filter for classified info
By Susan M. Menke
Classified information embedded accidentally—or intentionally—in e-mail used to be
an everyday headache at the Office of the Defense Undersecretary for Acquisition,
Technology and Logistics.
Commercial filtering software was “flagging too many” of the 30,000 Microsoft
Outlook messages that flow in and out daily, said David Lloyd, who was detailed to
the office to find a solution.

Columbus Business First 02/22/02
County site paying off for users of records
Susan Pavilkey For Business First
The folks in Franklin County Recorder Robert G. Montgomery's office are delighted about the thousands of dollars the office is losing in copying fees each month due to its expanded Web site.
Mortgage, assignment, deed, lease, lien, partnership, plat, power of attorney, mortgage and lien release and Universal Commercial Code filing documents going back to 1980 have been available at the recorder's office Web site since mid-November 2001. The documents can be searched based on numerous criteria and printed out free.

The Observer 02/24/02
Electronic mail promised to liberate users and free up their
time. What went wrong?
by John Arlidge and Sophie Radice

New York Times 02/24/02
Web Site Helped Change Farm Policy
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 - Throughout the angry Senate debate about whether to limit  subsidies to wealthy farmers, lawmakers kept referring to "the Web site" to make their points.

Austin American-Statesman 02/24/02
Gordon Matthews — 1936-2002
Austin inventor created voice mail system
By Erik Rodriguez
Gordon Matthews, a man of many ideas, believed in efficiency.
He envisioned a world where people could call businesses and leave personalized messages in their own voice instead of leaving a note with a receptionist. In the late 1970s, the Austin inventor created the nation's first voice mail system, a product that revolutionized personal communication — or for some, condemned callers to an impersonal telephone experience.

New York Times 02/25/02
Groups Document Chinese Computer Dump

New York Times 02/25/02
A Boxed Set in One File?
Online Music Finds a Way
There are few issues that enrage record labels and performers more than the downloading of songs off the Internet without permission or payment.
Their problem may be getting a lot worse.
A visit to a Web site with a fiercely loyal following indicates that a growing number of people are downloading not just individual songs but entire albums, cover artwork and liner notes included, in less time and with less hassle than it would take to
download the songs individually.

New York Times 02/25/02
Online Group to Give Advice Regarding Copyrights
he rise of the World Wide Web has been closely tracked by that of the cease-and-desist order, a letter typically accusing a Web publisher of copyright or trademark violations and warning that "your conduct may result in legal action against you."
Unless, of course, one ceases and desists.

Federal Computer Week 02/25/02
Growing city enriches map info
BY Dibya Sarkar
In fast-growing Dublin, Ohio, where the daytime population nearly doubles to 70,000, the government has created a robust geographic information system with 60 layers of data to help manage the city.

NewScientist.com 02/19/02
Replacement for DVD unveiled
The world's Big Nine electronics companies have swallowed corporate pride and agreed on a single standard and name - Blu-Ray - for the next generation video and computer optical disc.
Although good for the consumer, they are putting the future of their fledgling recordable DVD systems in jeopardy.

The Charlotte Observer 02/25/02
Don't let e-mail last an eternity
Staff Writer
In 21st century business, there is almost no such thing as "delete."
Electronic documents -- especially e-mail -- have a way of multiplying and hanging around nearly forever.
That's why more companies are setting policies on how long those records should survive.

The Charlotte Observer 02/25/02
Pssst ... guess who's reading your email
Staff Writer
A story on an employee's rights to e-mail privacy on the job would be about as long as this sentence.
Because, of course, workers don't have any. If it happens on company time, on company equipment, you can bet it belongs to the company, experts say.

The Guardian 02/25/02
Call for more government control of the net
Staff and agencies
Guardian Unlimited
The president of the internet's governing body yesterday made a recommendation almost unthinkable in dot.com circles: he wants to see more direct government involvement in the development of the world wide web.
Stuart Lynn, the president of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann), has recommended a major restructuring, saying the goal of leaving the internet in private hands has proven unworkable.

Washington Post 02/25/02
Visa Tracking Limited by Lack of Personnel
By Mary Beth Sheridan

New York Times 02/25/02
Technology's Toxic Trash Is Sent to Poor Nations
AN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24 - The global export of electronics waste, including consumer devices, computer monitors and circuit boards, is creating environmental and health problems in the third world, a report to be issued on Monday by five environmental organizations says.

The Intelligencer & Wheeling Register 02/25/02
Ohio County Clerk Examines a New Computer System
Ohio County Clerk Chester Kloss is examining a new computer system for his office that would store images of documents instead of storing paper documents in books.
The clerk's office computer system is nearly 10 years old and in need of a replacement, he said. The system he would like to install solves the document storage problem, is more secure, would be more convenient for the public to use and may someday result in the need for fewer staff members.
"The way to go now is imaging," he said. "Everybody's going paperless."

Darwin Magazine Feb 2002
Putting the Pieces Together
Could we have anticipated the terrorist attacks? Maybe. But managing knowledge has been a challenge in the corporate world for decades. Now, once-rival intelligence and police agencies around the globe need to share and analyze information. Fast.
Remember the children's game of Telephone, where players whispered a message around the room until the original phrases were often mangled beyond recognition? "Let's get some ice cream" morphed into "the lettuce is bright green" by the time it reached the last player. Even in child's play, sharing secret information is tricky and can lead to misunderstandings.