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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 03/06/02
Public-record seeker in Upper St. Clair recounts frustration
By Gretchen McKay
When Bruce Glidden read in the paper that the Upper St. Clair School Distric=
discussing spending millions of dollars to either renovate or rebuild its=20
high school,
he was concerned. How would it affect his taxes?

Daytona Beach News-Journal 03/08/02
High court: People have to request court records in writing
News-Journal wire services
TALLAHASSEE -- Citizens' requests for public records from Florida courts hav=
to be in
writing, the state Supreme Court said in a unanimous ruling Thursday.
People seeking records from either the executive or legislative branches of=20
aren't required to put their requests in writing, the court said.

San Francisco Chronicle 03/09/02
Judge bars board from releasing malpractice files
Order cites 'irreparable injury'
Robert Salladay
Sacramento -- A Superior Court judge yesterday refused to order the release=20
of malpractice settlement records being kept by state regulators, saying tha=
making the documents public might cause "irreparable injury."
The Chronicle filed a request in December under the state's Public Records=20
Act asking to see thousands of settlement records on doctors that are kept i=
a central file at the California Medical Board.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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Courier New" LANG=3D"0">Washington Post 03/03/02
<BR>Bush View of Secrecy Is Stirring Frustration
<BR>Disclosure Battle Unites Right and Left
<BR>By Ellen Nakashima
<BR>National Law Journal 03/03/02
<BR>Invisible-Ink Formula Stays Invisible
<BR>June D. Bell
<BR>The National Law Journal
<BR>A World War I-era invisible-ink formula must remain out of sight to prot=
ect national security, a federal judge has ruled.
<BR>Siding with the Central Intelligence Agency's efforts to keep the 85-yea=
r-old documents classified, U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson reje=
cted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for 16 pages of documents o=
n how to create and detect invisible ink.
<BR>Sun-Sentinel 03/05/02
<BR>Florida judge said he's concerned about autopsy law
<BR>By Amanda Riddle
<BR>The Associated Press
<BR>A judge Tuesday said he was concerned about the constitutionality of a y=
ear-old state law restricting public access to autopsy photos passed after t=
he death of race car driver Dale Earnhardt.
<BR>Sun-Sentinel 03/06/02
<BR>Judge to rule in 2 or 3 weeks on challenge to autopsy law
<BR>By Noreen Marcus
<BR>Staff Writer
<BR>Is the year-old state law that keeps autopsy photos away from the public=
<BR>reasonable protection of grieving families' privacy, or an unconstitutio=
<BR>breach of Florida's public records law?
<BR>The question is before Broward County Circuit Judge Leroy Moe, who said=20=
at a hearing Tuesday he will rule in two to three weeks on a motion that cou=
ld send a challenge to the so-called Dale Earnhardt law to a higher court. T=
he challenge, filed by the Sun-Sentinel and the Orlando Sentinel, is support=
ed by almost a dozen other media organizations.
<BR>The Spokesman-Review 02/28/02
<BR>Bill to allow judges to close records killed
<BR>Senate committee votes 6-3 against government documents measure
<BR>Associated Press 03/04/02
<BR>Open-government advocates criticize Oklahoma records bill
<BR>Bills aimed at combating terrorism by restricting access to public recor=
ds are moving through several state legislatures.
<BR>l In Oklahoma, legislation pending in the state House would close to the=
 public records such as the time of school board meetings and the location o=
f high-pressure gas lines on their property.
<BR>The proposed laws are meant to protect Oklahomans from terrorism, but so=
me lawmakers and public groups say the proposals go too far.
<BR>New York Times 03/06/02
<BR>Judge Orders More Papers on Task Force Released
<BR>WASHINGTON, March 5 =E2=80=94 A federal judge ordered seven government a=
gencies today to release thousands of documents related to Vice President Di=
ck Cheney's national energy task force.
<BR>Amityville Record 03/6/02
<BR>Disagreement over documents at town hall gets even uglier
<BR>by Carolyn James
<BR>Babylon Town Attorney Lynne Bizzarro filed an incident report with the S=
uffolk County Police Department=E2=80=99s First Precinct last week saying th=
at Councilman Lindsay Henry
<BR>intimidated and harassed her when he caused disturbance in her office af=
ter being told he could not get copies of a draft contract he had requested.=
 The case is being investigated, but no charges have been filed.
<BR>The Spokesman-Review 03/05/02
<BR>Kempthorne signs records-law deal
<BR>Boise _ Gov. Dirk Kempthorne signed into law on Monday a compromise bill=
 to protect government records of buildings and infrastructure, including th=
reat assessments and evacuation plans, when releasing them would endanger pu=
blic safety.
<BR>Sun-Sentinel 03/07/02
<BR>Court orders firm to pay Herald legal fees in records fight
<BR>Associated Press
<BR>MIAMI -- The Herald has won $331,000 in legal fees from an airport consu=
lting firm it took to court to gain access to lobbyist records.
<BR>The Third District Court of Appeal said in its Wednesday ruling that the=
 company's efforts to keep the documents secret ``amounted to the very defin=
ition of stonewalling'' and could be criminal.
<BR>Wilmington Star 03/07/02
<BR>Historian sheds light on patriot
<BR>By Mark Schreiner
<BR>ABOARD THE SNAPDRAGON | More than 220 years after he died, funeral rites=
 were read Wednesday for the first time over what is believed to be the wate=
ry gravesite of Revolutionary War patriot William Cains.
<BR>New historical research has found documents that may shed light on the l=
ife of Mr. Cains, a previously unrecognized patriot, and on a 1776 battle on=
 Bald Head about which little was thought to be known.
<BR>Orlando Sentinel 03/08/02
<BR>You don't have to go on record for record
<BR>By Pamela J. Johnson=20
<BR>The state Supreme Court on Thursday agreed with the Orlando Sentinel and=
 ruled that people seeking public records from Florida courts need not revea=
l why they want the documents.
<BR>Associated Press 03/08/02
<BR>Requests for Florida court records must be in writing
<BR>By The Associated Press
<BR>TALLAHASSEE, Fla. =E2=80=94 Citizens' requests for public records from F=
lorida courts have to be in writing, the state Supreme Court said in a unani=
mous ruling yesterday.
<BR>People seeking records from either the executive or legislative branches=
 of government aren't required to put their requests in writing, the court s=
<BR>But the Supreme Court also explained that people do not have to reveal w=
hy they want the records they're seeking. The high court also said anyone wh=
o has difficulty putting their record request in writing can get help from t=
he court staff.
<BR>New York Times 03/08/02
<BR>Court: Kohl Records Can Stay Sealed
<BR>BERLIN (AP) -- Wiretap recordings of Helmut Kohl collected by the East G=
erman secret police were sealed by a court Friday, handing the former chance=
llor a victory with broad implications for public access to the communist er=
a spy files.
<BR>The Guardian 03/09/02
<BR>Thousands of Stasi files lost to history by Kohl ruling
<BR>John Hooper in Berlin
<BR>Germany's disgraced former chancellor, Helmut Kohl, yesterday won the ri=
ght to block all access to the files kept on him by East Germany's communist=
<BR>The ruling, by an appeal court in Berlin, is expected to have a profound=
 effect on research into Germany's cold war history, as it also puts out of=20=
bounds records kept on a vast range of people, from former communist party b=
osses to headteachers.
<BR>The Times 03/09/02
<BR>Cold War Kohl tapes stay locked in the past
<BR>From Allan Hall in Berlin
<BR>WIRETAP recordings of conversations with Helmut Kohl and 2,500 pages of=20=
files collected by the former Communist East German police will remain seale=
d from public view after a federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the fo=
rmer Chancellor was indeed a victim of the Stasi.
<BR>The decision by the Federal Administrative Court to prohibit the publica=
tion of paperwork on Herr Kohl held in the Gauck Archive allows many other p=
ublic figures to escape scrutiny about their past =E2=80=94 either as observ=
ed by East Germany=E2=80=99s secret police or as unofficial informers.
<BR>Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 03/06/02
<BR>Public-record seeker in Upper St. Clair recounts frustration
<BR>By Gretchen McKay
<BR>When Bruce Glidden read in the paper that the Upper St. Clair School Dis=
trict was
<BR>discussing spending millions of dollars to either renovate or rebuild it=
s high school,
<BR>he was concerned. How would it affect his taxes?
<BR>Daytona Beach News-Journal 03/08/02
<BR>High court: People have to request court records in writing
<BR>News-Journal wire services
<BR>TALLAHASSEE -- Citizens' requests for public records from Florida courts=
 have to be in
<BR>writing, the state Supreme Court said in a unanimous ruling Thursday.
<BR>People seeking records from either the executive or legislative branches=
 of government
<BR>aren't required to put their requests in writing, the court said.
<BR>San Francisco Chronicle 03/09/02
<BR>Judge bars board from releasing malpractice files
<BR>Order cites 'irreparable injury'
<BR>Robert Salladay
<BR>Sacramento -- A Superior Court judge yesterday refused to order the rele=
ase of malpractice settlement records being kept by state regulators, saying=
 that making the documents public might cause "irreparable injury."
<BR>The Chronicle filed a request in December under the state's Public Recor=
ds Act asking to see thousands of settlement records on doctors that are kep=
t in a central file at the California Medical Board.
<BR>Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
<BR>Richmond, Va</FONT></HTML>


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