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Re: Insulting political cartoon

Title: RE: Insulting political cartoon
Welcome to the list, Conan.  Actually, a great deal of very valuable information is exchanged on this list.  Consultation with my fellow arkies has been of immense help to me on several occasions.  I also truly enjoy and like to join in our "Friday Funnies";  it seems a good way to get to know people better.
We do, however, at times have our "disagreements"(?) as to what is appropriate for the list and how much humor should be tolerated, etc., etc.. And sometimes folks get a wee bit upset (especially in political matters, but who doesn't?). You should have been tuning in after the 2000 election!  But we settle down after a while and get back to sharing information and helping each other.
Just my 2 cents.
Art Dostie
Maine State Archvies.
-----Original Message-----
From: Conan Cerretani [mailto:ccerretani@ALBRIGHTKNOX.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: Insulting political cartoon

One of the greatest attributes of the profession...sarcasm.

I am a new subscriber to this list...are 90% of the messages usually about nothing?
